Hue integration - moving a light to another room does not get updated in HA

Hi all,

when I move a light to another hue room via the Hue App, this does not get updated in HA, the light stays in the old room=area (auto generated areas in HA from hue rooms) :frowning:
I started with HA end of last year and I am on the latest version, so the hue rooms feature generally works very well (enabling etc.)

I tried multiple times:
-Hue Bridge Cleanup in Hue App
-Hue Integration Reload in HA
-HA restart
-Hue Bridge Update

nothing helps.

→ For example renaming a light in the Hue App instantly gets updated in HA.

I could manually assign the correct area in HA, but is there no way this action of moving to another room gets also updated in HA?
As the manual change is kind of a manual overwrite and the correct area from the hue integration would be of course better.
But of course if that is the way I will do it, maybe light → room assignement is only done once initially?

Big thank you in advance.

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Came here to ask the same question. @vaemd did you make any discoveries after your original post?

I also came here to ask the same question. Has anyone found a fix?

I do not have any other new findings or new answers unfortunately. As mentioned in the question, you can manually overwrite the area in HA. Not sure if that is works as designed by the integration as other changes get updated automatically.

I do not have any other new findings or new answers unfortunately. As mentioned in the question, you can manually overwrite the area in HA. Not sure if that is works as designed by the integration as other changes get updated automatically.