Hue Integration: Not able to change Hue color lamps color temperature

I’m an absolute beginner with HA and didn’t find a solution in the forum for the following problem. Hopefully I used the correct category to post my question.

I’m using the Hue Integration and was able to connect my Hue bridge with the HA (running on Raspberry Pi 3). In my Hue bridge I have three Hue color lamps.
In the HA UI I’m only able to adjust the color temperature of two of them. One of this lamps is only dimmable. Although this is the excact same product then the others.

In the developer tools I see that the status attributes of that specific lamp defer from the other ones.
But I’m not able to change the attributes there.

Is there a way to get this third lamp fully controlled too?

Thanks in advance!!

Oho - now I figured this out by myselve.
This is only working in case the color lamp has been turned ON. In case it is ON, I’m able to change the color.

The two lamps were turned ON while the other one was turned OFF.

That was a bit confusing for me…