HUE light groups no longer working after core-2021.2.0 update

For a long time, every HA update ran smoothly. Well, yesterday, the hue light groups stopped working.
I have this in my config (excerpt of light groups)

  - platform: group
    name: Schlafzimmer
      - light.hue_ambiance_spot_1_5
      - light.hue_ambiance_spot_3_2
      - light.hue_ambiance_spot_2_3
  - platform: group
    name: Garten
      - light.hue_white_lamp_1_2
      - light.hue_white_lamp_2_2
      - light.hue_white_lamp_1
      - light.hue_white_lamp_2
      - light.hue_white_lamp_1_3
      - light.hue_white_lamp_2_3

However, in State Entities, they appear greyed out.

Any thoughts would could have gone wrong?

Hello same problem but it’s all Philips hue integration !

Hi Thomas, but we can’t possibly be the only ones with this problem on this forum!

Same issue here. Philips Hue integration is not working at all :thinking:

Update: for me the solution was simple. My router restarted with a new IP for my Hue Bridge. Therefore I changed the IP in core.config_entries.

Didn’t help in my case because only the grouped lights stopped working, the single lights were fine.

Did you ever find the solution? I’m having the same issue. Individual Shelly lights are working fine, but light groups always show up as unavailable. This same configuration worked for months before.

Same Problem, i solved it with “groups.yaml”

Licht Wintergarten Fenster:
  name: Licht Wintergarten Fenster
  icon: mdi:lightbulb
    - light.licht_links
    - light.licht_rechts

Licht Wintergarten Wand:
  name: Licht Wintergarten Wand
  icon: mdi:lightbulb
    - light.hue_filament_bulb_1
    - light.hue_filament_bulb_2
    - light.hue_filament_bulb_3