Hue lights turn on unexpectedly - no automation or script running at that time

Something randomly turns on one my lights. No scripts and no automations ran. No motion was detected. I turned on debug logging, but I can’t find anything. The only clue I have is it happens once a day around the time “sun next setting” is set.

2023-12-30 16:42:52.618 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz.api] Received command CommandId.mac_poll{'status': <Status.SUCCESS: 0>, 'frame_length': 12, 'payload_length': 5, 'src_addr': DeconzAddress(address_mode=<AddressMode.NWK: 2>, address=0x52F2), 'lqi': 111, 'rssi': -80, 'life_time': None, 'device_timeout': None} (seq 229)
2023-12-30 16:43:01.824 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hue.bridge.light] Received status update for light.hue_ambiance_spot_1
2023-12-30 16:43:01.824 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hue.bridge.grouped_light] Received status update for light.hallway
2023-12-30 16:43:01.825 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hue.bridge.light] Received status update for light.hue_ambiance_spot_2
2023-12-30 16:43:01.825 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hue.bridge.grouped_light] Received status update for light.hallway
2023-12-30 16:43:02.834 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hue.bridge.grouped_light] Received status update for light.hallway

Are you using the Hue Hub?
How many Hue devices are connected to it?

I found weird things happening when I had too many devices on my hub. I seem to remember the hub can take ~50 bulbs but only ~10-12 accessories (switches, motion sensors) before becoming overloaded and either requiring a 2nd hub or moving to MQTT.

Dimmer switches were the ‘heaviest’ user (because they are 4 switches in 1).

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I found it. I logged into Hue and checked everything that has access to hue (My Philips Hue system - select Bridge - scroll down to All Applications). Alexa was one of them and the last action was at that time. Alexa had a sunset routine. I deleted it. I don’t recall creating it. Maybe someone did that by voice command.

ugh. Well, at least you found the cause!

Can you point me to the documentation (or describe the steps) explaining how to create a routine via a voice command? I googled it but everything I found says to use the Alexa app to create a routine.

Thanks for this!!! Finally found an old trigger from IFTTT I never knew existed…

BTW, for those who come here in 2025, the URL is: