Hue Motion sensor with entity "Belegung"


New to HA and my first post… hope I don’t do wrong.

I’m using german language in HA which may be related to the problem.
I have added the Hue motion sensor via ZHA and the device offers four sensors:
“Temperatur” (temperature) and “Beleuchtungsstärke” (light?) work fine.
“Bewegung” (motion) which is the sensor used in HA automation template “motion-activatedd light”, is constantly “normal” (off).
“Belegung” is the sensor that is triggered by moving in front of the device but is isn’t used as a “motion” value in HA.
hue motion sensor

So my question is: (How) can I correct the device sensors in HA like giving the “Bewegung” sensor a motion flag or just rename them?

You could change the device_class of sensor „Belegung“ to motion

Can you post the entity ids of both sensors?


By switching/renaming these entity ids (and changing to the mdi:motion-sensor icon and changing “show as:” to “motion”) I made the correct sensor now selectable in the motion-activated light template.
Maybe this could be fixed somewhere in the device detection code in ZHA?

Ok, thank you.

You could raise an issue against the ZHA integration on Github but it can be that Philips jas changed something, see here: Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor no entity for motion just occupancy