I’ve been searching the web and haven’t been able to find a solution for my issue so I figured I’d reach out to the experts here. I originally used VLAD’s tutorial to get the Hue motion sensors added to Hassio and I was able to get the motion status added in the Hassio front end with no problems at all.
The problem that I’m having is that I don’t have any entities to show items like temperature, light level, battery level, etc. If I click on the sensor from the screen shot above, I can actually see all of that data so I know it’s able to be accessed.
I’ve tried adding various extensions at the end of the existing entity like _temperature and _lux but neither worked. I’m hoping this is something super simple that I’m just overlooking but I would definitely appreciate any time and help you all would be willing to offer to help me get past this small hurdle.
I have followed your example but I don’t get the battery level value.
When I click the entity ‘Vardagsrum sensor battery’ after server restart there is no value …
What have I missed?