Hue motion sensors + remotes: custom component

Well you do need to have the hue component running. I take it all worked fine before 0.92 and you followed the installation instructions. This isn’t a component I’m super familiar with so you probably need a hand from @robmarkcole. I did have some small bugs when I upgraded but a just grabbed the latest files from here. I must be lucky. I would suggest replacing the files just in case.
What errors are you seeing in your log?

Its hard to figure out at what revision this started happening. Maybe its something else in our environments? I think this is the only sensor that does this for me. I have a short “for:” time for the automation, only 5 minutes. Basically in this area the person would be moving around so that motion would be detected constantly extending the “for time” many times, but then may pause in front of the mirror and the lights go out and motion doesnt turn them back on. Maybe its just hammering away at the system till it goes unresponsive. I’m not really sure how to get info on whats happening. There is nothing in the logs per se

Will the required changes for 0.92 compatibility (manifest.json, be included in an update to this component or will I have to create those manually myself?

Does the custom component have any additional benefits over the built in hue sensor support that was added in HASS 0.92?
(Remotes don’t seem to be supported yet)

stil on 1.0.4, I suddenly notice my dimmer switches lose the state, and return to unknown after a certain period ( think over half an hour or so).

Anyone else seeing this? Have a tap switch that seems to keep it state:


the states are recorded:

i’d like to know this as well - i’m on 0.92 and HA is picking up my Hue Sensor automagically - which is nice. Just like it does with lights - it’s under integrations. Am considering buying another sensor.

I noticed the auto detected motion sensors as well when updating to 0.92. Even at that time the hue component did not work. But the auto detected motion sensors where so slow in reaction that they were unusable. There is an issue open regarding that topic. So far, no alternate to this component. Anyway, I had to rollback to 0.91.4 because of my missing netatmo modules and some other issues.

On my end at least the hue sensors with the 0.92.1 built in component are about as fast as they were when i was using the custom component in 0.88. Maybe that’s down to a hue sensor setting…

Ok, I will test that after the next attempt to update

Yep I have the same issue.

just upgrades to .92.1 and i’m finding the the official component is slower than the custom on, has anyone else noticed this

I haven’t noticed that, but there’s a comment above that states that it’s a known issue.

Just tried it and there was a slight delay when using the built-in component. Reverted to CC.

Reading the github issue this won’t officially be resolved until phillip hue change how their api works.

I just blasted my hassbian system trying to revert to an older version of HA that didn’t contain this new hue sensor component. How can I override this new component with old custom component.Relatedly I am confused by the “great migration changes” to the custom component implementation. I put my system back together on 0.91.4 but I would like to upgrade for some fixes but still use the custom component in place of the new one that is not really usable.

Very slow, I have many automations and it is bad. Do you use the old CC for switches also?

Does someone else problems with the Trackercard and HUE Motion?

my config is:

  show_installable: false
    - components
    - cards
    - python_scripts
    - #Buttoncard
    - #Mediaplayer
    - #HUE-Motion

but i can’t see the entry:


See someone the fault?

i make the update to 0.92 and i see in the .json from HUE-Motion the path

i have my files in /custom_components/hue_custom/ - rename the folder and now it’s works

oh yeah… new builtin Hue sensor is MUCH slower in automations…
I tested it for a day and went back to CC…
When using the motion sensor to turn on the light on motion, the builtin one is sooo slow… CC is almost instant.


alas it did not work for me. After upgrade to 92 there were no hue sensors from the CC only the new sensors that came with 92. And i did have the manifest.json file. I’m back on 91.4 until things resolve. Meanwhile google tts seems broken. even after I undid the “google_translate” stuff that automatically came with 92.