trying to create a sensor for my Hue hub’s capabilities, I am unsure how to proceed. I think know how to set the json_attributes, but the value_template is the issue, since that can only hold the full string of the resource, which is way to long…
the resource would be in this form:
and then the sensor config could be:
- platform: rest
name: Hue capabilities
resource: !secret hue_capablities_resource
# authentication: basic
value_template: >
{{ value_json }}
- lights
- sensors
- clip
- zll
- zgp
- groups
- scenes
- lightstates
- schedules
- rules
- conditions
- actions
- resourcelinks
- streaming
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
User-Agent: Home Assistant REST sensor
Not sure about the bottom part, since I don’t need to access the HA instance, but this is a copy of another rest sensor in my system for now.
The output of the resource is:
the “timezones” part of the output makes me need to exclude that (or as in the above effort, list all included attributes), because it is a full list of all available timezones, which is way to long for the sensor, and not necessary at that.
Or, should I maybe create a template sensor using attribute_templates
? In which case the question would remain: how to set the main template, on which to base the attributes belonging to it?
please have a look with me, thanks!