Hue restful sensor- multiple switches with one request?

Hi Folks.

I currently have a Restful sensor configured to get the status of my 2x Hue dimmer switches.

The only downside to this is that HA is then making 2x separate requests.

Is there any way I can combine these into one request? I thought my querying just /sensors rather than sensors/2 & /sensors/4?

 - platform: rest
   name: Kitchen Switch
   scan_interval: 2
   value_template: >-
     {# Grab the lastupdated time and convert it to a timestamp #}
     {% set lastupdated = as_timestamp(value_json.state.lastupdated ~ '-00:00')|int %}
     {# Compare the lastupdated against the current timestamps #}
     {% if as_timestamp(now())|int - lastupdated > 5 %}
       {# If no events have happened in the past 5 seconds, show 'idle' as state #}
     {% else %}
       {# Get the buttonevent that was triggered #}
       {% set buttonevent = value_json.state.buttonevent|string %}
       {# Example button event: 4003 #}
       {# buttonevent[0] = 4 = button number #}
       {# buttonevent[3] = 3 = button event #}
       {# If buttonevent[3] is even (X000 or X002), the button was clicked #}
       {# If buttonevent[3] is odd (X001 or X003), the button was held #}
       {# The ~ operator is used to concatenate strings #}
       {{ ('hold' if buttonevent[3]|int is odd else 'click') ~ '_' ~ buttonevent[0] }}
     {% endif %}
 - platform: rest
   name: Bedroom Switch
   scan_interval: 2
   value_template: >-
     {# Grab the lastupdated time and convert it to a timestamp #}
     {% set lastupdated = as_timestamp(value_json.state.lastupdated ~ '-00:00')|int %}
     {# Compare the lastupdated against the current timestamps #}
     {% if as_timestamp(now())|int - lastupdated > 5 %}
       {# If no events have happened in the past 5 seconds, show 'idle' as state #}
     {% else %}
       {# Get the buttonevent that was triggered #}
       {% set buttonevent = value_json.state.buttonevent|string %}
       {# Example button event: 4003 #}
       {# buttonevent[0] = 4 = button number #}
       {# buttonevent[3] = 3 = button event #}
       {# If buttonevent[3] is even (X000 or X002), the button was clicked #}
       {# If buttonevent[3] is odd (X001 or X003), the button was held #}
       {# The ~ operator is used to concatenate strings #}
       {{ ('hold' if buttonevent[3]|int is odd else 'click') ~ '_' ~ buttonevent[0] }}
     {% endif %}