Hue Scenes without Hue Bridge

In HASS How? Gonna Fix This Error: Failed to call service script/1699761739641. UndefinedError: dict object has no element Undefined

Which script are you trying to execute?

No Look At The Error Message Is Not Working And Running!!!
Failed to call service script/1699761739641. UndefinedError: dict object has no element Undefined

Hi friend, if you expect sensible answers, maybe you wanted to ask a little more politely. The community is very helpful if you ask nicely for help. a couple ! and ? less would be a good start. and if you are asked questions about your problem, answer them instead of just posting your own error log again. good luck finding your answers


Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this.

I just got ha up in the past few weeks and (semi) amusingly both had my 6-7 year old Hue bridge die AND had set up zigbee2mqtt but left auto-join on. I did pick up another Hue bridge for now (wife already not so thrilled so need to ensure HA stays up a lot more often than not :wink: ).

Once I’m confident on stability the biggest holdback is really down to a should-be-easy clone of 2 simpler scenes (relax, concentrate) and the candle and fireplace dynamic scenes (and ability to set on a zigbee group/room vs all on). If nothing else, this will give me a starting point to dig in, as I’m still getting my head wrapped around HA.

Kudos for sharing!

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As I am someone who is newer to Home Assistant, could someone please help with the installation on this, or point me to where I can learn what I need to fulfil it.

I have received the following error:

Failed to call service script/hue_like_scenes. UndefinedError: dict object has no element Undefined

My process:

  • copied the code into Settings > Automations & Scenes > Scripts, using the YAML view
  • changed to Edit in Visual Editor
  • ONLY change made = selecting my light group in the Target section.

When testing by selecting Run Script, I receive the above-mentioned error.

I have tried for a long time and cannot find a solution. I would be grateful for any pointers anyone can provide.

It‘s probably easier to run this script as a service call via the developer tools.

(I get the same error if I run it from the script editor, not exactly sure why. Will need to investigate with more time.)

Just came across your script today and wanted to say thank you. This was exactly what I needed!! Great job :clap:

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Updated version as a blueprint here: Dynamic, Hue-like Color Scenes with Randomly Distributed Colors