Hue Wall-Switch Second Channel

Hello, where can i change the configuration of the Hue Wall-Switch? I need the second channel.


Depending on your gateway, additional configuration might be required to enable the second switch input. The attribute might be changed to the correct value:mode (0x0034)

  • 0 - single rocker type switch
  • 1 - single push button type switch
  • 2 - double rocker type switch
  • 3 - double push button type switch

Philips Hue Wall Switch Module RDM001 Zigbee compatibility (


Nobody can help me?


Sorry, but i need help with this.
Where can i edit the additional configuration?


With zigbee2mqtt you can change this in the Exposes tab after selecting the wall switch in the zigbee2mqtt UI.

The only way I’ve got this working was with this order.

  1. Change the status in the UI.
  2. Press the left walls switch button so that the status is updated.
  3. Request an update of the device_mode status.
  4. Press the left walls switch button so that the status is updated (needed this step for HA status to be updated correctly).

I’ve used this: Make the Philips Hue wall switch module work with push button switches in Home Assistant —

@Herr.Vorragend Thank’s for the link to the tutorial but it’s not possible to write the new value to the switch. After writing, i raed always enum8.undefined_0x00 back from switch.

I’m having the same issue where it stays on 0x00 whatever I try. Did you find a solution already?

I have the same issue.
I’ve got the RDM001 wall switch.
Updated home assistant to the latest version.

For me the mode attribute is not even exposed. So i am unable to change it’s mode.
Also tried the trick of regenbui in custom_zha_quirks but this did not work either. Especially since this workaround was for the RDM004 i think.

If anyone finds a solution would be nice. Otherwise i’m stuck with just half the functionality i am afraid.