Huginn publish mqtt

Is there any user in this forum that have a working Huginn agent that can publish a mqtt message?

I have tried a lot of diffrent combinations (not only these):

  "uri": "mqtt://userxx:[email protected]:1883",
  "topic": "huginn",
  "message": "test"


  "uri": "mqtt://userxx:[email protected]:1883",
  "topic": "huginn",
  "payload": "test"

And i cant find anything when googling, just others asking for a working example.

I was hoping to replace some of my old IFTTT’s with agents in huginn now when IFTTT has joined the dark side…

Subscribe works fine.

  "uri": "mqtt://userxx:[email protected]:1883",
  "topic": "speedtest/download/state/#"

Just ran into the same problem and figured it out for posterity: use the same format on the Huginn MQTT Agent that you show for Subscribe, and send it an event containing the key “message”. It will get published to the topic specified in the MQTT Agent.

I see you posed on huginn issue 2762 on their github, so I’ll also post details there.