I’m new to Hassio (Home Assistant OS 5.10, Raspberry Pi 3) I have a program in mind but I would like your help to adapt it properly to Hassio.
So I have temperature and humidity sensors inside and outside the house (the entities are created and are working):
- sensor.interior_temperature
- sensor.interior_humidity
- sensor.exterior_temperature
- sensor.exterior_humidity
And a relay to trigger the fresh air ventilation (air exchange with outside).
- switch.fresh_air
Now, what I want is to have a humidity target that I can set in the dashboard (Example: target 40% humidity), and do calculations using the temp and humid sensors to figure out if If the exterior air will dehumidify efficiently and if so trigger the relay.
I won’t bore you with the maths just jet, but could you help me figure where to write the code and variables, I’m not sure if that goes in automation, scripts, or an entity. Thanks your your hint, once I know what to concentrate on I will read that part of the manual.