Here you go - its not pretty but I’m hoping you can make sense of it!
If you improve on it please let me know.
Also there may be bit in there which are not used as I did create this from scratch!
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“func”: “var ensuite_hum_old = flow.get(“ensuite_humidity_old”);\nvar ensuite_hum_new = flow.get(“ensuite_humidity_new”);\nvar ensuite_hum_difference = ensuite_hum_new - ensuite_hum_old;\nflow.set(“ensuite_hum_difference”, ensuite_hum_difference );\nvar ensuite_hum_percentage = (ensuite_hum_difference / ensuite_hum_old) * 100;\nflow.set(“ensuite_hum_percentage”, ensuite_hum_percentage );\nif (ensuite_hum_percentage > 8){ \n msg.payload = “rising”;\n}else if(ensuite_hum_percentage < -2){\n msg.payload = “falling”;\n}else {\n msg.payload = “stagnant”;\n}\nreturn msg;”,
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