Humidity sensor exposed to Google Assistant

I have already integrated Google Assistant with HA (the manual way) and it works great with a light and a climate entity.
Recently I wanted to expose the humidity sensor (already working in HA) to Google Assistant to inquiry the humidy level without looking at the web interface.

I was hoping it should be really simple because the official documentation explicitly lists

sensor (temperature setting for temperature sensors and humidity setting for humidity sensors)

So I exposed the specific sensor to google assistant and even customized its class as humidity
Once I sync my device in the Google Home app appears the sensor with the right name but without any value and it’s rapresented by a shield icon. If I try to inquiry Google Assistant about the humidy it does a web search ignoring the sensor.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing a specific doc?

I don’t think Google has delivered on sensor integration for Google Home/Assistant. Aqara had promised it, I added it months ago, it never worked. I tried to ask about it on support forums and got no response. Aqara has recently removed the statement that their temperature/humidity sensors with Google. They work fine with HomeKit.

Google explicitly lists humidity sensors as supported

Hey @Edo78, I know it’s a while… But did you figure it out ? I’d like to do the same :slight_smile:

Sadly my humidity sensor died so I stop looking into this issue