Here is the sensor in developer state
battery_level: 92
voltage: 2.94V
signal_strength: ‘-84dBm’
out_of_range: false
power_consumption: 13.33%
unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
friendly_name: Grow Room Temp
device_class: humidity
Also tried 50 instead of 50.0, I also checked in the developer section under State and it shows the temp as a decimal for the humidity but it is reporting there. Yet it will not trigger… It does if I hit run script but not if i leave it=. Reporting on the sensor is every minute so I wait 5-10 to see if it need time but no luck…
Please format your code properly as stated in point 11 of the community guidelines
A numeric state trigger only triggers when the value crosses the threshold.
In your example it will only trigger when it goes from above 50 to below 50 and then only again when it goes above 50 again and then below 50. A change from 20 to 40 will not trigger, a change from 60 to 40 will trigger.
If you want it to trigger on every reading that is below 50, you need to use a state trigger and then check in the condition if it is below 50.