Humidity/temperature Zigbee sensors with E-Ink display?

Thanks for sharing your experience with esp32 solution. Sound like you have a good route. Yes, I saw that ‘redundant’ reception feature in the esp32 code and thought that should be helpful in some environments. Again, I am very lucky and seem to have a pretty ‘happy’ 2.4 GHz bubble I am ‘living’ in.

Not sure what the esp32 code writes to its memory above and beyond a flash of the code when you put it on. Again, I am pretty lucky on my RPi SDCard experience. I’ve never had one fail (yet). However, I’m not storing any thing on the RPi and if the SDCard does fail, I have a image backup and have a monitoring system checking that it is publishing sensor events. For USD 7 for a new SDCard, and based on my current RPi running nonstop for going on 2 years, I think the RPi route is pretty reliable.

Good Hunting!

The ESP32 doesn’t have an actual EEPROM; instead it uses some of its FLASH storage to mimic an EEPROM. It does not have any form of wear levelling. The datasheet I could find says nothing about FLASH endurance but I’d say it is at least 10,000 erase-write cycles, maybe up to 100,000. You can write it a few times per day, any more and your ESP32 FLASH will wear out quickly.

What is the reporting rate for temperature and humidity that gave you this battery life?

I have not found any way of controlling the reporting rate. Looking at the “last seen” in the debug log, there are periods of 2 or more hours without anything from the device. If temperature is changing quickly, the device starts reporting every few minutes – when ever the temperature has changed by more that 0.5°C or so.

You did say it is reporting based on the magnitude of change like my Aqara rather than based on time!

I may get these if I decide to stick with Zigbee rather than switch over to BLE

After several weeks of running both the Aqara Zigbee and the Xiaomi BLE sensors side by side, I see that the BLE sensors flashed with pvvx’s firmware are reporting results more often without losing a lot of battery.

And the Aqara has had to be re-paired a couple of times whereas the BLE device transmissions are being monitored passively so no pairing necessary.


Since my ESP32 shows poor RSSI values from sensors even in the next room, I thought I’d revive the effort to use your collector with your mods for allowing for authentication of the MQTT broker. Unfortunately, doing a “sudo make install” for paho-mqtt.c gives me the error

I get a bunch of warnings when trying to make ble_sensor_mqtt_pub.c

I did type all the commands on github but have low confidence that the Bluetooth listener is even running though the MQTT broker did get config messages for each sensor attribute.

  "~": "homeassistant/sensor/ble-temp/BTS_DF77",
  "dev_cla": "temperature",
  "name": "Xiaomi TH BTS-F",
  "uniq_id": "BTS_DF77-F",
  "stat_t": "~/state",
  "unit_of_meas": "°F",
  "val_tpl": "{{value_json.tempf}}",
  "dev": {
    "name": "Xiaomi TH BTS",
    "ids": "BTS_DF77",
    "sa": "",
    "cns": [
    "mf": "Xiaomi",
    "mdl": "LYWSD03MMC-ATC"

Leaving the previous message up even though I got it working through some experimentation. I did a sudo make uninstall for the two repositories, did an apt update && apt upgrade and went through the whole installation process again and everything worked! With the possible oddity that the Bluetooth device in my Pi Zero has to be manually reset from the console on every reboot.

Now to collect BLE advertisements using this, ESP32 and a USB Bluetooth device plugged directly into the HA server over several days.

Try Aqara TVOC which have e-ink + zigbee.

I will take a look.


Super! Looks like you have two routes to get the BLE sensor data into MQTT/HA. Will be interesting to hear you results on signal.

FYI, to your prior message. It had been a long long time since I had re-compiled the program on a rpi. Yes it is a bit ‘fragile’ . I was able to follow the steps and get a running version on a rpi model 3b v1.2 running Buster 5.4.79 without any errors along the way. It is nice that you can use YAML now to configure the BLE sensors and various parameters vs. my old hard coded text file.

Good hunting!

As a datapoint for comparison of reading per hour. On the rpi system I see on average between 300 and 500 ‘reading’ per hours (this is the number BLE advertisements the rpi gets from each device) from 20 BLE around a 1500 sq ft ranch house, including some in freezers and refrigerators. Very little difference in numbers between Goove and LYWSD03MMC-ATC devices.

I used LYWSD03MMC + mhetesp32devkit (as my BLE +Wifi) + ESPHome it work perfectly and I currently run 3 sets which give me a constant informations. But currently will replace some with Aqara TVOC which make everything easier + it will add TVOC information to the list

Please share your experience with the Aqara device. What zigbee coordinator will be using? I’m not sure what part of the world you call home, but for us bumpkins in the US, I’m not seeing an option to change display to fahrenheit. I tried a couple of simple BLE e-ink temp units and neither had the ability to change temp units (it did not even look like the display had a place for it). That was a non starter for the significant other… :upside_down_face:

RpiZW is reporting about 10dB better RSSI than the ESP32 but also has a 10dB spread across samples whereas the ESP32 reports vary by only 1-2dB.

Interesting, thx. I am so far from any kind of RF engineer understanding of how to compare these two devices. I would say that by simply using the number of BLE advertising packets received per hour is the health metric I have been successful with. I can see when ‘someone’ hits the store, brings back frozen items and covers the sensor in the freezer.

I spent some time trying to vary the BLE scan window and scan interval, however never really found I could make meaningful changes in the advertising packets I received.

Good hunting, glad you are getting data!

I will keep running experiments. In the meantime, I could use help with understanding why the Pi stops sending MQTT messages after a while. In the following systemctl output, the messages timestamped 17:15 came after I reset the Bluetooth interface but just the once whereas the other collectors continue to convert BLE advertisements to MQTT messages

Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:BE:FF:87  location =  device type = 1 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: rssi         = -67
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: Parsing as PVVX Firmware
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: temp c       =  20.5
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: temp f       =  68.9
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: humidity pct =  49.4
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: battery pct  =  85
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: battery mv   =  2970
Mar 22 11:56:37 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: frame        =   230
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: Location : A4:C1:38:BE:FF:87 packets received in last hour : 61
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: Location : A4:C1:38:9C:D1:99 packets received in last hour : 66
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: *********** =========
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: HOUR ROLLOVER
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: current hour (GMT) = 0
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: last    hour (GMT) = 23
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: payload_buffer JSON : {"timestamp":"20220323001524","A4:C1:38:BE:FF:87":{"count":61, "location":""},"A4:C1:38:9C:D1:99":{"count":66, "location":""},"total_adv_packets":127}
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: =========
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 17:15:24 2022
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:BE:FF:87  location =  device type = 1 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: rssi         = -64
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: Parsing as PVVX Firmware
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: temp c       =  23.7
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: temp f       =  74.7
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: humidity pct =  47.1
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: battery pct  =  86
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: battery mv   =  2980
Mar 22 17:15:24 homebridge1 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[519]: frame        =   196

Also, is it possible to use devices with active scan and passive scan at the same time? If so, what does one set the configuration to?

I am going to have some challenge helping, it that I am running the version prior to yours, I am on v2.12. It does not look like there were any changes to the core bluetooth interface part of the program. However, just level setting.

In reading into your post here, the BIG warning I have to raise is that you canNOT touch the bluetooth system software in ANYWAY when the program is running. Nor can you let any other program try and access the bluetooth adapter via ANY of the several bluetooth command or api. If you suspect that, I would power cycle the Pi. In theory, the several bluetooth stacks are supposed to allow this, however I spent hours trying to get python libraries and other stuff to work, zero success. And most often, the symptom of something in the bluetooth stack was simply silence from the adapter, no errors, just no communications. This is why this program interfaces to the BLE stack and adapter and the lowest level possible.

Running ANY bluetooth command at the same time the program is running is a recipe for failure.

It is hard for me parse this statement and understand :

“after I reset the Bluetooth interface but just the once whereas the other collectors continue to convert BLE advertisements to MQTT messages”


  1. the only way to safely reset the ble interface IMHO is to power cycle the PI

  2. are you talking about your ESP collector? or are you running more than one copy of the program on the PI?

To your question 'is it possible to use devices with active scan and passive scan at the same time?"

As far as I know, active scanning is just a kind of layer on top of ‘regular’ passive scanning. With active scanning enabled, when the Pi receives a certain type of advertising packet, it sends a packet back to that machine asking for additional advertising data in a follow on advertising packet. This in theory takes more energy on the part of the sensor device, hence the ‘warning’ about turning on active scanning. As I say, this is my fifty cent understanding :wink:

From my experience, if you can get your pi config stable, it will run very reliably for year plus.

What I meant was that poking Bluetooth generated just the one message in the log.

I rebooted the Pi and the service is running; it is just not picking up any advertisements from the ATCpvvx sensors.

I’m running Raspbian Buster with the 5.10.103+ kernel and should not have updated the OS from whatever it was when it was picking up the advertisements.

Sorry I dont get what ‘poking Bluetooth’ means.

Yes, my linux kernels are way older that what you are running. If upgrading the OS on the Pi is the cause, it is probably not the kernel version but rather all the bluetooth stuff that gets upgraded as well.

Below are some output for two ATC devices that I put in the config of the test machine I compiled last night with the latest version of the program. But again, I did not do any apt update/upgrades on the machine.

Try setting one or more of your devices to type 99 in the config file, this generates more output in the syslog I think, see below. I have two runs, first with both devices set to type 99 and second run with sensors set to type 1.

Unfortunately, another difference is that these devices are advertising as ATC advertising packets, not the newer fancier PVXX, which I think you are using. However if the problem is with the bluetooth stack on the PI, that should not matter. Some more info on the devices I am using, one does have a pretty recent (less than a month old version of the PVXX firmware, but set to advertise in the ‘old’ ATC packet format. The second device, Front Door, has the original ATC firmware, probably two years old.

pi@pi-lcd-01:~ $ uname -a
Linux pi-lcd-01 5.4.79-v7+ #1373 SMP Mon Nov 23 13:22:33 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
pi@pi-lcd-01:~ $

A4:C1:38:70:0C:86, 1, LYWSD03MMC Living Room
A4:C1:38:DD:CF:AD, 1, LYWSD03MMC Front Door

  - name: "Living Room Temp/Hum"
    unique: "atc_living_room"
    location: "Living Room"
    mac: "A4:C1:38:70:0C:86"
    type: 99
  - name: "atc Front Door Temp/Hum"
    unique: "atc_front_door"
    location: "Living Room"
    mac: "A4:C1:38:DD:CF:AD"
    type: 99

Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: =========
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:30:45 2022
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:70:0C:86  location = Living Room device type = 99 advertising_packet_type = 004
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>043E1802010400860C7038C1A40C0B094154435F373030433836C4
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>__________ad________________________mmmmmmmmmmmmtttthhbbzbzbccrr
Mar 22 22:30:45 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: rssi         = -60
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: =========
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:30:50 2022
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:70:0C:86  location = Living Room device type = 99 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>043E1D02010000860C7038C1A41110161A18A4C138700C86010725580BB623D1
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>__________ad________________________mmmmmmmmmmmmtttthhbbzbzbccrr
Mar 22 22:30:50 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: rssi         = -47
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: =========
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:30:57 2022
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:70:0C:86  location = Living Room device type = 99 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>043E1D02010000860C7038C1A41110161A18A4C138700C86010725580BB626D1
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>__________ad________________________mmmmmmmmmmmmtttthhbbzbzbccrr
Mar 22 22:30:57 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: rssi         = -47
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: =========
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:31:00 2022
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:70:0C:86  location = Living Room device type = 99 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>                            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>043E1D02010000860C7038C1A41110161A18A4C138700C86010725580BB727CE
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: ==>__________ad________________________mmmmmmmmmmmmtttthhbbzbzbccrr
Mar 22 22:31:00 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6772]: rssi         = -50
pi@pi-lcd-01:~ $ sudo systemctl stop ble_sensor_mqtt_pub
pi@pi-lcd-01:~ $

Mar 22 22:33:18 pi-lcd-01 systemd[1]: Started BLE Sensor MQTT service.
Mar 22 22:33:18 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v: 3.0 Starting.
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v: 3.0 Bluetooth Adapter : 0 has MAC address : B1:8A:A7:EB:27:B8
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v: 3.0 Advertising scan type (0=passive, 1=active): 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v: 3.0 Advertising scan window : 100 62.5 ms
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v: 3.0 Advertising scan interval : 1000 625.0 ms
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v: 3.0 Scanning....
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: ble_sensor_mqtt_pub v 3.00
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  --- data structure after parsing ---
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  mqtt_server_url = tcp://
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  mqtt_base_topic = bonzo2-ble/
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  mqtt_username =
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  mqtt_password =
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  bluetooth_adapter = 0
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  scan_type = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  scan_window = 100
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  scan_interval = 1000
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  publish_type = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_configure = 0
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_stats = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_tempf = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_tempc = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_hum = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_battery = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_voltage = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  auto_conf_signal = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  syslog_address =
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  logging_level = 7
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]:  sensor configs:
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 -----------------
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 name = Living Room Temp/Hum
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 unique = atc_living_room
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 location = Living Room
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 type = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 mac = A4:C1:38:70:0C:86
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 -----------------
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 name = atc Front Door Temp/Hum
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 unique = atc_front_door
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 location = Living Room
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 type = 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 mac = A4:C1:38:DD:CF:AD
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: #011 -----------------
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: 1 Bluetooth adapter(s) in system.
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Total devices in configuration file : 2
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: MQTT client name : ble_sensor_mqtt_pub-B1:8A:A7:EB:27:B8
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Bluetooth Adapter : 0 has MAC address : B1:8A:A7:EB:27:B8
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Advertising scan type (0=passive, 1=active): 1
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Advertising scan window   :  100, 62.5 ms
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Advertising scan interval : 1000, 625.0 ms
Mar 22 22:33:19 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Scanning....
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: current hour (GMT) = 5
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: last    hour (GMT) = 4
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: =========
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:34:32 2022
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:DD:CF:AD  location = Living Room device type = 1 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: rssi         = -79
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Parsing as ATC Firmware
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: temp c       =  24.9
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: temp f       =  76.8
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: humidity pct =  37.0
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: battery pct  =  88
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: battery mv   =  3000
Mar 22 22:34:32 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: frame        =    89
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: =========
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:37:11 2022
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:DD:CF:AD  location = Living Room device type = 1 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: rssi         = -77
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Parsing as ATC Firmware
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: temp c       =  24.8
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: temp f       =  76.6
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: humidity pct =  50.0
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: battery pct  =  88
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: battery mv   =  2998
Mar 22 22:37:11 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: frame        =    93
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: =========
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Current local time and date: Tue Mar 22 22:37:12 2022
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: mac address =  A4:C1:38:DD:CF:AD  location = Living Room device type = 1 advertising_packet_type = 000
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: rssi         = -73
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: Parsing as ATC Firmware
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: temp c       =  24.8
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: temp f       =  76.6
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: humidity pct =  50.0
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: battery pct  =  88
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: battery mv   =  2998
Mar 22 22:37:12 pi-lcd-01 ble_sensor_mqtt_pub[6837]: frame        =    93