Sorry for the imprecise language; poking meant turning Bluetooth off and back on.
FWIW, a bunch of MQTT messages were sent by the Pi overnight.
The ATC’s are set to be advertising every 10 seconds. The Tasmota reports on changes only so it is hard to tell if it is receiving all the advertisements and only reporting some of them whereas the Pi log now picks up almost all advertisements from one of the sensors but none from the other sensor.
If the Pi is rebooted, it could report one sensor or the other, sometimes none but never both.
Lot of variables. If you have an extra ATC device available, you might try flashing with the old school ATC firmware, place it right next to the Pi and let it run for a period. A few less variable. I would expect that you see 300 to 400 packet receptions by the Pi from this device per hours consistently.
I do have an extra ATC somewhere that I should find and revive for this experiment. In the interim, I have set one of the pvvx devices to use ATC441 style messages