Hunter Fan RF Codes

I have a Sonoff RF bridge flashed with Tasmota. Everything works fine, except I cannot get the Fan On/Off code.

I have the Fan speed button for high and low and this will turn the fan on, so I can use these as a work around. The only one I would really want would be the Off code for the fan.

Is there anyone out there that has the remote codes for this hunter fan?

It uses the pre installed hunter remote if that helps.

Thanks in advance!

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Me too.
How did you learn a code from the hunterFan remote ?
Did you flash the Portisch Firmware for this ?

Yeah it was scanned with portish and tasmota.

I had to reinstall my Home Assistant and didn’t write the codes down anywhere so I had to do them again. The setup was the same, but I cannot get the Portish codes. I am going to install ESPUrna on it and see if that does the trick following this guide: Sonoff RF Bridge And ESPURNA - YouTube

Once I get it done I will try to remember to update my experiences here.

After a research I’ve found out that my hunter fan it’s not same frequency than SONOFFRF…
I’m not quite sure if portish does this… sending with different RF…
I do not think is physically doable…

Anyway I’m starting to think to buy a second hunterFan remote and hardwire an ESP inside it…