Hunter Hydrawise Integration Won't Setup


New to the Hydrawise system, I added what was needed in my configuration file:

  access_token: 1234-5678-90AB-CDEF

It is not showing in the integration section and there is nothing in the log to show an error.

Is there a known issue?

Just confirming that all is well with Hyrdawise here. Have you set up the sensors and switches? You won’t see any entities until you do. There is no entry in the Integrations UI for Hyrdawise yet.

Make sure you’ve done everything on this page and if you’re still stuck I’ll try and help you out.

Hydrawise is working for me (though my system is under about 12” of snow right now so I can’t test it). The integration will not show up in the integrations under the configuration menu because it’s YAML configure only. Once you add the base Hydrawise YAML key, you then have to create the Hydrawise sensors, binary sensors, etc. it’s all laid out in the integration docs.

I had an error with my API key and the problem is now corrected! Thank you and have a great day!

@MontyRisk What was the error? I’m having the same problem. I’ve confirmed that the API key does work via the hydrawise docs.

My error was that sensors were not showing up in HA, which I think was more of my fault because I did not have a full understanding of how the integration works. Keep in mind, Hydrawise won’t show up in integrations, and developer tools only, search the attribute field for


Can anyone help with this intergration? I have an error in my logs:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 249, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(task)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/”, line 52, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hydrawise/”, line 31, in setup_platform
HydrawiseBinarySensor(hydrawise.current_controller, sensor_type)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hydrawise/**init**.py”, line 125, in **init**
self._name = f"{[‘name’]} {DEVICE_MAP[self._sensor_type][DEVICE_MAP_INDEX.index(‘KEY_INDEX’)]}"
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

with my binary sensor.
Also, I had to remove the dashes(-) from the generated api key, otherwise I get more errors. is this correct? anyway, I cannot find the sensros no where…

I have access token configured so as sensor and switch. But I don’t see the device in the Integrations ui. Also there is no error.
what I am missing?

This integration is only configured via YAML. You setup the base configuration with your token, then setup the sensors, switches, and binary sensors in their respective configuration section. If done correctly you will get the entities showing in the entities list for HA. They will not show up in your integrations page.

Could you share the yaml configuration? I can’t see any information on how to setup sensors in the integration documentation.

There is no longer a yaml configuration. Install it from the devices page.

Must be a recent change then as I am few versions out-of-date. I managed to google some config examples and it works now. I suppose there is no way to get water usage values into HA?

Not with the integration. You could probably download the spreadsheets from the Hydrawise website manually and import them.