HUSBZB-1 Cree Connected Bulbs

I am new to Home Assistant, running HASSIO on my RPi 3+. I am trying to move my Cree Connected bulbs from Wink to Home Assistant and can’t seem to get them connected. I have gone into Dev Service icon and selected ZHA.Permit and turned on the bulb and I get nothing. Looking at the Zigbee database after 60 secs or so I don’t see anything in the database. Not sure if I am missing anything or what, I have reset the bulbs and tried again. I have 2 bulbs I am currently not using on the Wink so have tested both and nothing.

Don’t you also have to put the bulbs in pairing mode in some way?

I don’t have those bulbs but I have other bulbs that need to put in pairing mode to connect.

Yes that is what I think is missing but when attaching to the wink I would just reset the bulb and turn it on and the wink hub would see it. 60 seconds does not seem to be enough timers sync.

have you looked in the bulb documentation to see if it tells you how to put it in pairing mode in there?

Yes I have very limited info there. I know some have used these bulbs here so was hoping for someone with knowledge of them.

Cree Smart Light Bulbs
These lights suck to pair but work OK after that

Turn the light switch on at one second and off at two second intervals (1second on : 2 seconds off) until the light blinks once to indicate it has reset. This should happen at the 4th full on-off cycle.

After they are reset goto developer options and run zha.permit.

I only have 2 of these and they always have issues
Have 10 of the Sengled bulbs and they work much better.

@wakeskate thanks for the info, I have tried that multiple times. I might just leave the wink hooked up for now and when time to replace might look at other options for bulbs or switch to wave ones.

The last time I did a complete rebuild on my system it took 7-8
tries resetting each time to get them to register.
I think I moved the bulb close to my Raspberry Pi and finally got them to work.
As I said the Sengled bulbs are nice because they flash when reset and when registered
so you know they work.

Thanks again. I will be trying again of course.