How can i ignored the automatic stop time of 3 hours? When i start the mower with vacuum.start_pause, the mobile app said that he turns off within 3 hours. I want to let him do his job for 6 hours.
@walt can you add the option to give a number of minutes that he has do to his job?
I have fix it with the api way but i have to generate each hour a new key.
Yeah, I’ve got the recorder setup… When I click on the mower entity I have the history of when it cuts and charges etc… But when I click on the mower icon in the map all it says is “No state history found”, and accordingly no tracks on the map
EDIT: nevermind, I had device_trackers excluded from the recorder from way early, forgot about that. Now it shows “Home” as history. Just have to wait until tomorrow for some mower movement now.
A few days ago I retrieved API key etc… but now I cannot access the
site to get the documentation I need on how to use the API.
Hi, I have tried fro weeks now to get the Gogle maps tracking to work with my HACS Automower integration. I have followed = copied the instructions to the letter, using the correct key a.s.o.
Still, I get this error in the log - and an empty map as picture:
ERROR (MainThread) [] Error parsing template Template(“{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.latitude }},{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.longitude }}&zoom=19&size=500x500&maptype=satellite&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:P%7C{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.latitude }},{{ states.device_tracker.automower.attributes.longitude }}&key=##############################”): UndefinedError: ‘None’ has no attribute ‘attributes’
The map history card is dead easy but without a satellite map option (which I can’t even find any hacks for) it’s not much good for telling where in your yard the mower is.