HVAC mode changed as trigger

im new in Home Assistant, i switched over from Homekit + Homebridge.

I have some Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee thermostats at my radiators and a wired tado Thermostat to switch my gas boiler on and off.

I want to set up an automation, that switchs off the tado, when on of the Spirits was switched off.

The problem is, that i only can choose “thermostat HVAC mode changed” as trigger, but not a specific mode. I miss some function like “HVAC mode changed to off”.

Does anyone of you know, how i can do this? I spend hours in research here, but cant find anything that helps me out.

Thank you!

I use Homematic thermostats, but the Homematic integration does not generate devices (just entities). The current heating mode is assigned to the attribute mode. So using a HVAC mode change as trigger can be achieved by the following yaml:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: climate.neq1412448
    attribute: mode
    to: 'off'
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Thank you!
In my case it was

  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.heizung_kuche_thermostat_hvac_action
    to: 'off'

Problem solved.