Hello there !
I would like to know if and how could we change ACOVA heater.
I can use them manually (sending requests) without issue but ZHA doesn’t register them correctly (probably an issue from Acova).
HVAC_modes values are missing, I’ve got only off and heat.
One strange thing is for an unknown reason ZHA worked with one of my heater and all hvac_modes were presents. But it stopped after one or two days.
So is there a possibility to make these heaters compatible with ZHA ?
On the heater :
OFF = Off
Heat = frost-free
Heat_cool = Heating (it is the box mode)
Example of one heater in the dev tools
- "off"
- heat
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 28
current_temperature: 17
temperature: null
hvac_action: idle
occupancy: 1
occupied_cooling_setpoint: 2600
occupied_heating_setpoint: 1700
system_mode: "[<SystemMode.Auto: 1>]/heat_cool"
unoccupied_heating_setpoint: 700
friendly_name: RADIATEUR_BUREAU Thermostat
supported_features: 385
Here the heater is actually in the “box mode” (“[<SystemMode.Auto: 1>]/heat_cool”).