Hyperion black bar question

Anyone who uses hyperion here… Have you gotten black bar detection to work?

Hi @itchaboy, the black border detection works for me.
Here’s the part of the hyperion.config.json.

	"blackborderdetector" : 
		"enable" : true,
		"threshold" : 0.25,
		"unknownFrameCnt" : 600,
		"borderFrameCnt" : 50,
		"maxInconsistentCnt" : 10,
		"blurRemoveCnt" : 1,
		"mode" : "default"

This worked out of the box, i never adjusted it.

Yeah right now my threshold is 0.1. My plan was to bring it up by .1 every now and then until something worked. I don’t recall the rest of my setting though… I’ll have to check when I get home. But all I know is whatever I was using out of the box did not work haha maybe you’re other settings are different though… appreciate the reply!

I recall someone online said they set their threshold to like 25 and that worked. When I tried that I had colors from the middle parts of the TV displaying on the LED’s… lol so not exactly the answer I was looking for.

Not sure if it worked out of the box, or copied a config from anywhere.
There’s too much to adjust in hyperion. :sleeping:

ugh. tell me about it… haha If I could just get this working I’d be happy… I still need to calibrate too… as if I’ll ever get around to that haha

Update: Went ahead and upped the threshold to 0.2 and that did it!