Hyperion Integration Installation 'Aborted: Failed to determine if authorization is required' error

I’m trying to install the Hyperion integration however it fails with the error ‘Aborted: Failed to determine if authorization is required’

I have the Hyperion app on my phone which connects to the same IP and port (19444) without any issue

I’m currently using SSH commands to turn on and off the lights but I’d like to have some more integration options.
I have ssh keys enabled on the pi that is hosting Hyperion and the Home Assistant VM has a keypair

  stop_hyperion: ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null [email protected] "killall hyperiond 2>/dev/null"
  start_hyperion: ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null [email protected] "/storage/.config/autostart.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &"

I’ve also tried adding in the lights into my configuration.yaml but they’re not showing up

  - platform: hyperion
    port: 19444
    priority: 128
    name: Hyperion

I experience the same problem. Here is the log from my hyperion server:

[hyperiond JSONCLIENTCONNECTION] (ERROR) While validating schema against json data of 'JsonRpc@::ffff:192.168.x.xx':[root].subcommand: Unknown enum value (allowed values are: ["requestToken","createToken","deleteToken","getTokenList","logout","login","required","adminRequired","newPasswordRequired","newPassword","answerRequest","getPendingRequests"])

JSON-RPC is enabled. Tried with API-authentication enabled and disabled.

I think I’ve figured it out - Hyperion have discontinued the version (I must be using) in favour of a new one Hyperion NG, which is what this integration only works with.
It is still in Alpha so hopefully there will be a way to transition to the new one when it has a stable build.

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I just wanted to reply. I do already run hyperion ng for over a year, but i realized that they changed the authentication flow. After upgrading to the latest hyperion ng version, everything runs smooth.

I actually switched to a fork called HyperHDR, which produces much nicer colors when watching HDR content.