I have 2 RPi running 2 Hyperion instances and have previously been able to integrate both into HA. Since upgrading to 2020.12.7 Only one of the severs are present. If I try to add Hyperion Integration with the missing server information then I get a warning to say that the service is already configured. Just wanting confirmation that only one server can be added or am I doing something wrong with this integration?
Hello everyone, I was surprised by this today.
I had previously added ambilight to 3 displays, each with its own hyperion running on its own raspberry Pi. I also had all 3 hyperion servers connected and working with home assistant.
Today I tried adding a fourth device and to my surprise it seems to no longer be possilbe. I am getting the same “Service is already configured” message.
I tried removing the hyperion integration and adding it again and this time only the first instance was configured, I was not able to reconfigure the other existing ones.
@cmjennnings21, have you found a way to make this work or is this a bug?
As it turns out, I found this bug: Hyperion: Can't add second instance of Hyperion integration (multiple hyperion servers) · Issue #44684 · home-assistant/core · GitHub where this particular comment by the integration author pointed me towards identifying the root cause: Hyperion: Can't add second instance of Hyperion integration (multiple hyperion servers) · Issue #44684 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
I had upgraded one of my raspberries and simply moved the sd card from the old one to the new one. The internal id used by hyperion to identify the instance was not changed. When I installed a new instance on the previous raspberry, it seems that the instance id generated was exactly the previous one, so in the end I had two servers with the same id.
This is why homeassistant was giving me the message saying that the service was already configured.
To fix it, I could not find any way to change the instance id through the interface, so I accessed it through ssh, downloaded the configurations database (/.hyperion/db/hyperion.db) to my pc, modified it my hand and uploaded it back.
After a reboot I can now add the new instance to my existing home assistant setup!
What you say makes perfect sense @raphaabreu . I got round this by rebuilding one of the 2 Hyperion servers that I use and now have both of them available in HA. I didn’t have the issue that you report in that the two ID’s were unique, but when I had the initial problem they weren’t.