Hyundai Bluelink Integration

By which sensor do I get the charging speed of an Ioniq 5?

Whoopsies! :slight_smile:

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Integration support region Russia (Bluelink Huyndai)?
Can be region RUSSIA added?

I want to report that the integration does not work with Hyundai Kona Electric in EU region.

It does say No Devices or Entities when initializing.

@TGR Here it works like a charm. They had some downtime in May, but it is working again since June 2nd. I have a Kona, the Account was created in August 22. I heard older accounts could cause problems.

The account was created 2 months ago. Country of usage - Bulgaria.
Can I provide/check some logs for troubleshooting?

Located in Luxembourg, owning Kia Niro Phev, all works fine.

Please follow github issue template, generate logs and upload there.

I collect my one in two weeks, you guys might like the template I create, here is the one for my wifes car !


so starting work on a card for the ioniq 5

off with battery level

on with battery level

on and charging

40% down to 10% battery

10% and below battery

The battery indicator meter is seperate from the on, and charging light one.


Any Idea, why i can´t find the following entities anymore: ( I´m driving a Kona EV 2020)

Some entities are getting lost on the data end, check if they exist on debug/data entity, we are storing the response of the api for validation purposes there

New problem in my setup.
Now I am getting
““Error communicating with API: Unconverted data remains AM””
Could please someone point me to the right direction :slight_smile:
Hyundai Kona EU

First time I have seen, please enable debug logs following README file, create an issue and share your logs. Do not forget to sanitize them before sharing

I did send you a e-mail. :slight_smile:

The template for your wife’s car looks awesome! Would you mind posting the code for it? I’d love to try and adapt it for our Palisade.

Sharing what I’ve done for my Ioniq 6

Here’s the card:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: picture-elements
    image: /local/images/ioniq6.png
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_range
          color: grey
          top: 24%
          left: 11%
      - type: state-icon
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_car_battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-50
          color: grey
          top: 9%
          left: 11%
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_battery_level
          top: 9%
          left: 16%
          style: |
            :host {
                  {% set level = states('sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_battery_level')|float(0) %}
                  {% if level > 80 %}
                  {% elif level > 20 %}
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %}
      - type: state-icon
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_car_battery_level
        title: 12v
        state_color: true
          top: 5%
          left: 28%
          transform: scale(1.1, 1.1)
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_car_battery_level
          top: 11%
          left: 40%
          style: |
            :host {
                  {% set level = states('sensor.2023_ioniq_6_car_battery_level')|float(0) %}
                  {% if level > 65 %}
                  {% elif level > 0 %}
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %}
      - type: state-icon
        entity: binary_sensor.2023_ioniq_6_air_conditioner
        icon: mdi:air-conditioner
        title: null
        state_color: true
          left: 45%
          top: 1%
          transform: scale(1.1, 1.1)
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_odometer
          color: grey
          left: 85%
          top: 10%
      - type: state-icon
        entity: binary_sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_battery_plug
        state_color: true
          top: 40%
          left: 97%
      - type: state-icon
        entity: binary_sensor.2023_ioniq_6_tire_pressure_all
          top: 70%
          left: 78%
      - type: state-label
        entity: device_tracker.2023_ioniq_6_location
          color: grey
          top: 70%
          left: 26%
      - type: service-button
        title: Start AC
        service: kia_uvo.start_climate
          device_id: [my_device_id]
        target: {}
          color: grey
          top: 90%
          left: 86%
      - type: state-label
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_last_updated_at
        show_last_changed: true
          top: 86%
          left: 36%
          color: grey
      - type: service-button
        title: Update
        service: kia_uvo.update
          device_id: [my_device_id]
        target: {}
          color: grey
          top: 92%
          left: 22%
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: vertical
      background: false
      border_radius: false
      box_shadow: false
      margin: false
      outer_padding: false
      - type: glance
          - entity: binary_sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_battery_plug
            name: Charger
          - entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_estimated_charge_duration
            name: Time to charge
          - entity: binary_sensor.2023_ioniq_6_fuel_low_level
            name: EV Battery
          - entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_range
            name: Range
        show_state: true
        show_name: true
        state_color: true
      - type: custom:bar-card
        icon: mdi:battery-charging
          - entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_battery_level
        columns: '0'
        entity_row: false
        direction: right
          icon: outside
          indicator: 'off'
          name: 'off'
          minmax: 'off'
          value: inside
          - color: '#FFC107'
            from: '81'
            to: '100'
          - color: '#4CAF50'
            from: '20'
            to: '80'
          - color: '#FF5722'
            from: '0'
            to: '19'
      - type: custom:bar-card
          - entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_range
            max: 240
            min: 0
              - color: Red
                from: 0
                to: 48
              - color: Orange
                from: 49
                to: 191
              - color: Green
                from: 192
                to: 240
      - type: glance
          - entity: binary_sensor.2023_ioniq_6_tire_pressure_all
            name: Tire Pressure
          - entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_car_battery_level
            name: 12v Battery
          - entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_odometer
            name: Odometer
        show_state: true
        show_name: true
        state_color: true
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_last_updated_at
        show_last_changed: true
            - grid-template-areas: '"i n l"'
            - grid-template-rows: 100%
            - grid-template-columns: 25% 45% 30%
            - justify-self: start
            - justify-self: end
            - margin-right: 10%
        name: 'Last Updated:'
        aspect_ratio: 7/1
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_last_updated_at
          action: call-service
          service: kia_uvo.update
            device_id: [my_device_id]
          target: {}
          action: call-service
          service: kia_uvo.force_update
            device_id: [my_device_id]
          target: {}
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.2023_ioniq_6_ev_battery_level
          green: 20
          yellow: 80
          red: 0
        needle: true
        unit: '%'

I put the 800x600 png image for my car in the /config/www/images folder. To find the device_id value for my vehicle, I’m sure there is a more efficient way, but I created a custom:mushroom-entity-card with the tap action to call service kia_uvo:Update. The card’s visual editor let me select a vehicle, then I switched to the code editor and copied the device_id. Alternatively, I later realized that the device_id is in the URL when you find the device from the Setting menu.

I thought it might be cool to have two images one with the front battery flap vents open and this one with them closed and have it change based on if the car is home or away but I’m not sure that can be done. I also don’t think the icons inside the picture elements card can be conditionally based on the charge level I get from Bluelink.

I really wish I could track my mi/kWh in Home Assistant over time.

Hi all,

I just installed the Bluelink integration, but upon adding my bluelink credentials, i get this error:
It retries every min or so but fails each time.
I have tested my credentials online.
I am in Canada driving a Hyundai.
Where can i grab the logs?

Here are the logs:

And this is the screenshot of the bluelink app:

Here is the error message:

Please create a GitHub issue with full debug logs, what you have posted is a glimpse of it without anything useful information