Hyundai Bluelink Integration

Hi all, as you might be aware, Hyundai Bluelink and Kia Uvo is using almost identical commands. So i have an active Kia Uvo integration and I would like to include Hyundai Bluelink there if you can commit on sparing time for testing. Please let me know in this thread if you volunteer for testing.

Respective thread: Kia Uvo Integration (pre-alpha)

Respective custom integration:

UPDATE: I have been tinkering about what is the best way to find out if I had parked the car and left away. I know that while my car is working, it is constantly updating its data on the cloud, so no need to force update, BUT when I stop the engine, car is not updating itself if I do not call force update. My solution to this problem: whenever my phone disconnected to car’s bluetooth system, I am triggering a force update.

To do this;

  • enable bluetooth connected devices sensor in your mobile app for home assistant
  • get the MAC id of car’s bluetooth receiver
  • create a text helper input to store this MAC id (i had named it as kia_bt_mac)
  • create a template sensor in home assistant if phone is connected to car’s bluetooth receiver by searching MAC id
    {{ state_attr("sensor.fuat_mi_8_bluetooth_connection", "connected_paired_devices") is search(states('input_text.kia_bt_mac'), ignorecase=True)}}
  • if it gets from True to False, call service force update using automation

If you are having log in (old account type and migration) issues; please check this:


Hey. I am keen to test an Hyundai integration. Im interested in monitoring mileage and charging more than anything.

Hi, I could also help you with testing this.

I will work on this weekend and hopefully come up with a working example, will keep you updated


Happy to help in testing!

Would like to help testing aswell.

I would also be interested in testing Hyundai integration.

I am using Bluelinky through NodeRed (as part of Home Assistant) and have shared a manual for people wanting to get started via that route, mainly if you have not used NodeRed before. You can find it here. Message date is somewhere in Nov 2020. If you are interested it is worth reading the whole topic, because people have made suggestions that improve some of the approaches.

Willing to test an Hyundai Kona integration as well.


I have updated existing Kia Uvo integration with Hyundai Bluelink functionality. I am more than sure it will not work at first run, as I do not have an account to test this. Please give your feedback and create issues in github.

Repository link: GitHub - fuatakgun/kia_uvo
You can find more information in readme section.

Please help here for testing :slight_smile:

I have not tested every detail, but it works well with Hyundia Ioniq 5. I can lock/unlock and except for the AC status everything I tested seems to work and the values make sense. But the AC status is also broken in Bluelink app, so that is not your fault. Very nice integration, thank you!


thanks for sharing, happy to hear that it is working well

Any issues with battery drain?

battery drain would happen only force update calls, normal update calls are reading data from respective servers and it is in your control to set the interval for both calls.


Hi, I set this up yesterday for my Ioniq 5, and it seems to be working well with two caveats:

The first I’m unsure of the reason for - for the main battery, I seem to have gotten an erroneous value which doesn’t mirror the true battery charge state. I haven’t checked whether this also applies to the app, but will keep an eye on it.

The second one is the pronounced staircase effect on the graph, which is presumably an effect of the addon updating from servers more often than it getting updated data from the car. I’ve just tried changing both settings to 20 minutes to see if this creates a more even curve, will report back on this.

I’ve added a graph with my expertly drawn graphics of the presumed true curve overlaid on the reported one.

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Presuming the higher frequency non-forced updates are to catch any updates from the car that do not originate from this plugin, I think a nice feature would be to not write updates to the HASS database if they have not changed since last update.

Are you getting unnecessary update events so optimize this? I haven’t had issues on this so far

I was thinking to avoid the staircase effect, as if you get an update a minute before a forced update, that will look like a true datapoint even though the update may be 4 hours old.

As it stands, the integration could write 10 datapoints to the DB over the course of several hours, and they would all really only be one datapoint at one time which creates a misleading graph.

Don’t worry, none of them will happen.

Force update is checking time delta between last update value (independent of source), so when you are driving your car, it will be updating itself and we are getting values from cached values and integration will wait 2 hours (configurable) to force an update.

Second is taken care by home assistant, it will not generate a record in db until value is actually updated.

Oh yeah, I see that now, it was just the presentation of graphs that made it seem like there were extra datapoints “added on”, but using a different graph addin, they do not show.

All my other graphed devices update a lot more often, so I’d never seen the grapher do that before.

Sorry for the confusion:)

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