I am totally noob with zigbee and tuya. And i need advice for smart thermostatic radiator valves


Hi, sorry to bother you.

Are you running the last version of ZigBee2mqtt?

How can I place the order in the Alibaba supplier?

Thanks a lot!

Ordered but not received yet

€ 21,61 | TUYA Zigbee TRV Thermostat Valve Thermostatic Radiator Valve Controller Heater Temperature Voice Control Works with Google Home

Hi @euqiuq,
Sorry for late response. I ordered it directly from alibaba supplier, which has been mentioned here several times:

Just write a message to supplier for version you are interested in. Package came in about one week.

Related to your previous post, yes zigbee2mqtt is working great with one I already installed (thanks @dzegarra). It’s little bit delayed when you control it via latest version of HASS, but it’s working. Right now I’m still at 100% of battery, so really don’t know if it’s ok, or what it going on. :slight_smile:

Do you mean exact version which is supported by zigbee2mqtt (GS361A-H04) ?
I suppose no one knows difference between H04 and H14 yet and if H14 is supported by zigbee@mqtt (?)

with regards

Not sure, but I guess H14 is bluetooth or wifi version. AFAIK, there are zigbee and bluetooth/wifi versions of those TRVs. I just asked supplier for zigbee tuya version and received H04 version. I’m not able to find any info related to GS361A-H14, but based on official siterwell site all other sensors with H14 specification are wifi version. And since H14 is most probably not zigbee version it will not be compatible with zigbee2mqtt.

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I would like to learn something about how to configure smart TRVs with dumb boilers (if it makes any sense). Don’t want to side-track this thread. If you have a time could please contribute to this topic: TRVs vs (dumb) Boilers configuration Thank you.

Which version of zigbee2mqtt are you using? I got stuck with v1.12.2 since the next version broke my implementation. I would love to update to the last version if that bug was solved.

About the battery, after several months, two of my devices finally reached less than 25%. I would say the battery lasts at least 6 months with a constant usage.

The updates are fucking slow sometimes, but most of the time it works.

I’m running latest version 1.15.0 and so far no issues spotted (except battery, but it’s not related to zigbee2mqtt add-on). I started using HASS just few weeks ago, so most probably I’ve been running latest version from the beginning. :slight_smile: What exactly is the issue you are experiencing with update to newer version? I can test it for you.

Another question which I already asked but I didn’t get answer: What will happen if batteries will discharge? Will I have to pair TRV every time after batteries change? Because when I changed batteries first time after longer period (until I found out they were discharged) I had to pair TRV again. Is this the case, or if I will change them until batteries are not totally dead, it will keep the connection?

You may need to pair them again. But, don’t worry. It’s just a matter to telling zigbee2mqtt to allow new devices and press quicky the TRV’s face 3 times. Since the device’s unique code doesn’t change between reboots, Zigbee to MQTT will reuse the existing configuration. As far as HASS, it won’t even know the device was re-paired.

I had problems with version 1.13 and I stop upgrading after that. I’ll try the 1.15 version.

I just discovered there is another integration called ZHA. Are those TRVs natively supported by ZHA? What are benefits of using zigbee2mqtt over ZHA?

Hi. I am using a custom rule to let my gas burner start.
I overrided the main thermostat from my heater, now the flow is this:

  • setting a indipendent temperature for every valve
  • every valve get a reading of how much is opened (i.e. how much the desired value is different from the actual room value)
  • if the sum of all valve position is > 100, my heater actually starts burning.

So, is possible to read valve position on these valves? It is possible for Bluetooth (EQ3) and for Zigbee Spirit Eurotronics (I am actually doing it and they works decently).

its very interesting and for me!
because Siterwell dont send status or\and state of valve.

i think, “valve detection” is a periodically testing valve. my valves once a day generating this event and valve at this moment is moving

If there is no support for valve position I would not buy these.
Too cheap for trusting them manage temperature by themselves. On zigbee spirit I can set temperature offset if the reading is too high or too low, + or -1° can do a lot on expenses…

Isn’t that some TRVs are bi-positional only (opened/closed)? For sure some driven by 230 VAC work like this.

I’m collecting all needed info to decide what to buy (if any). But everytime I have doubts at the end. I was almost anout to buy those Siterwells. But now…

BTW: still not sure if controlling TRVs by dyi automation is more efficient than using dedicated thermostats (hubs) (besides the fact that most if not all thermostats are cloud based probably).

I didn’t see any valve status being sent to the coordinator. But… there were a couple of commands the TRV was sending that I have no idea what it was. So, I would say, maybe, if you manage to make sense to those ignored-by-zigbee2mqtt commands, you could get the current status of the valve.

after change coordinator to cc2538 siterwell didnt pair to it(

in debug mode i found, that full open is

Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2020-11-10 12:50:13: Received Zigbee message from '0xccccccfffed85a6a', type 'commandGetData', cluster 'manuSpecificTuyaDimmer', data '{"data":{"data":[0,0,1,44],"type":"Buffer"},"dp":514,"fn":0,"status":0,"transid":29}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

and full close is

Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2020-11-10 12:50:45: Received Zigbee message from '0xccccccfffed85a6a', type 'commandGetData', cluster 'manuSpecificTuyaDimmer', data '{"data":{"data":[0,0,0,245],"type":"Buffer"},"dp":514,"fn":0,"status":0,"transid":30}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

diff is

"data":[0,0,1,44] -> "data":[0,0,0,245]

anyone things about this?))

Hi guys. I am quite confuse after I read the post. I am quite interested in buying some TRV which I can pair with Home Assistant. I already have a Tado thermostat “gateway”. Is it possible to buy, for instance, Tuya TRV’s and pair wit HA via zigbee2mqtt without any gateway? Which models did you recommend me? Could I use sth live https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4001065031604.html?
Thanks in advance

yes, this trv is working via z2m without gateway
and its can talk his valve state (in percent opened valve)

Can you tell me where I can find this compatibilty on z2m website? I cannot see it.