I am totally noob with zigbee and tuya. And i need advice for smart thermostatic radiator valves

its very interesting and for me!
because Siterwell dont send status or\and state of valve.

i think, “valve detection” is a periodically testing valve. my valves once a day generating this event and valve at this moment is moving

If there is no support for valve position I would not buy these.
Too cheap for trusting them manage temperature by themselves. On zigbee spirit I can set temperature offset if the reading is too high or too low, + or -1° can do a lot on expenses…

Isn’t that some TRVs are bi-positional only (opened/closed)? For sure some driven by 230 VAC work like this.

I’m collecting all needed info to decide what to buy (if any). But everytime I have doubts at the end. I was almost anout to buy those Siterwells. But now…

BTW: still not sure if controlling TRVs by dyi automation is more efficient than using dedicated thermostats (hubs) (besides the fact that most if not all thermostats are cloud based probably).

I didn’t see any valve status being sent to the coordinator. But… there were a couple of commands the TRV was sending that I have no idea what it was. So, I would say, maybe, if you manage to make sense to those ignored-by-zigbee2mqtt commands, you could get the current status of the valve.

after change coordinator to cc2538 siterwell didnt pair to it(

in debug mode i found, that full open is

Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2020-11-10 12:50:13: Received Zigbee message from '0xccccccfffed85a6a', type 'commandGetData', cluster 'manuSpecificTuyaDimmer', data '{"data":{"data":[0,0,1,44],"type":"Buffer"},"dp":514,"fn":0,"status":0,"transid":29}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

and full close is

Zigbee2MQTT:debug 2020-11-10 12:50:45: Received Zigbee message from '0xccccccfffed85a6a', type 'commandGetData', cluster 'manuSpecificTuyaDimmer', data '{"data":{"data":[0,0,0,245],"type":"Buffer"},"dp":514,"fn":0,"status":0,"transid":30}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

diff is

"data":[0,0,1,44] -> "data":[0,0,0,245]

anyone things about this?))

Hi guys. I am quite confuse after I read the post. I am quite interested in buying some TRV which I can pair with Home Assistant. I already have a Tado thermostat “gateway”. Is it possible to buy, for instance, Tuya TRV’s and pair wit HA via zigbee2mqtt without any gateway? Which models did you recommend me? Could I use sth live https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4001065031604.html?
Thanks in advance

yes, this trv is working via z2m without gateway
and its can talk his valve state (in percent opened valve)

Can you tell me where I can find this compatibilty on z2m website? I cannot see it.

Hello to all,
I just got the valves (GS361A-H04), I added them to the zigbee network, but it doesn’t recognize them.

Zigbee2MQTT:warn 2020-11-11 20:15:46: Received message from unsupported device with Zigbee model ‘TS0601’


Valves are recognized as TS0601 model.

Is there something I can do to make them work?

I am running 1.16.1 zigbee2mqtt version and bought these valves https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005001349186776.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6aae63c04SZbX0

Thank you in advance for your help

Hello, using zigbee2mqtt Edge the valve has been recognized. Tomorrow I will continue with the tests.
Thank you very much for everything.


Is it possible to detect the state in which the valve is (open or closed) in order to tell the boiler to turn on or off?

Zigbee2MQTT:info 2020-11-12 00:27:30: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/ValvulaEstudio’, payload ‘{“away_mode”:“OFF”,“battery”:59,“child_lock”:“UNLOCKED”,“current_heating_setpoint”:“26.0”,“linkquality”:75,“local_temperature”:“25.8”,“preset”:“manual”,“system_mode”:“manual”,“valve_detection”:“ON”,“window_detection”:“ON”}’

thank you so much in advance for your help

Hello. I’ve also bought these and learned that the tuya integration does not work for this. Ordered cc2531. One question though, I’ve tried nimh batteries but the device immediately gives low battery warning, but still works. Are alkaline batteries mandatory for these. It looks like a bad design power wise.


Hi Daniel,

sorry to bother you :frowning:, the feature climate is not being recognize, and I would need the param running_state in order to interact with the boiler.

Is there any way to make it work?

After reinstall the Zigbee2mqtt Edge addon, now I am getting this:

But still not getting the runnin state param :frowning:

Thank you so much in advance for your help,


Hello. Having the same Problems running the 1.16.1 version of zigbee2mqtt. Could someone explain me how to downgrade zigbee2mqtt to 1.12.2 so that I can use the valves again and set their temperature?
Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Hi @crazygreek,f

Were you able yo use the TRVs, without any problem including the running_state parameter before updating from 1.12.2?

Thanks !

Hey @euqiuq,

I am a newbie in home assistant and still dont know the meaning of all parameters.
Let me tell you what I could do in Version 1.12.2 that was enough for me to say that the TVRs were working as I expected them to.

  • See the set and actual temperature of the TVR
  • See if the TVR is running and in which mode (manual, calendar)
  • Set the temperature through Home Assistant
  • Use the TVR with Node-Red and build up routines for setting the target temperature

Does this answer your question or do you mean something else with running_state?


Hi @crazygreek,

I am running Zigbee2mqtt edge version with the Siterwell GS361A-H04 valve and these functionalities are working fine in this version.

I was talking about the possibility of knowing the state of the valve, I mean, if it is open or close. I think this information should be in the parameter running_state.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @euqiuq ,
thanks fro the clarification. Hmm on my configuration I only have the valve_dectetion entity that sounds like that what you are looking for? (See screenshot)

Sorry but I cannot tell you if this valve_detection (in case it is what you looking for) was working in the past Version 1.12.2.

Thanks for the information about the edge version of Zigbee2mqtt. Will give it a try. :+1:


Hi @crazygreek,

I would need to get the parameter running_state or position. I would need to tell the TRV to open or close:

Thank you so much for your help.