I can not access root access?

I can not access root access?
I’m want to disable hass CLI. Because it is too inconvenient and not useful.
core-ssh:~# sudo apt-get update
-bash: sudo: command not found
When I enter dev mode, I can not access my rapberry pi

HassOS is not a standard Linux like you have on a regular Raspberry with Raspbian or similar. It’s a custom Linux designed exlusively for Home Assistant. There is not apt-get because for HassOS everything that should work is provided as add-ons. Some of the usual Linux command are available. But if you want a system where you can modify the underlying OS, then HassOS is not the right choice for you.

This add-on does not give you access to the host OS, it is really more of a cli utility to access certain commands and the contents of the configuration, backup, and addon folders.

If you want access to the underlying OS, you need to look at normal HASSBian or RaspBian