I can not pull docker container

when i trie to pull the image it says:
the docker commabd proides command-line tools to control the host etc.
(the same as you just type only -docker)

It would help to quote (and properly format) the exact command and the exact error message.

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oke it says:

That’s the complete opposite of "properly format"ted code, but in the last line it reads that you shoud use “ha docker pull …”. Obviously this is something special with HA OS (which I don’t know in detail).

That’s not the normal shell. Your shell is the home assistant cli (GitHub - home-assistant/cli: Home Assistant command line interface). So entering something for the docker cli doesn’t make sense and doesn’t work.

Don’t duplicate your questions.

You already asked the same question in this topic:

Even though home assistant os uses docker to manage the addons, supervisor, and core home assistant in the background, installing additional "non"addon docker containers is not allowed or supported.

This is why the portainer addon was removed- it was used to install other docker programs and creating conflicts.

Per the developers comments here GitHub - hassio-addons/addon-portainer: Portainer - Home Assistant Community Add-ons

“If you run Home Assistant, please be aware that running additional containers is not a supported use-case and will trigger your system to be flagged as unsupported as well.”

If you want to run other programs and docker applications on the same machine home assistant is installed on, you should install Home Assistant os in a vm. There also is a home assistant container version designed for docker that can run alongside any other docker containers you like, but if you use the container version, you will lose the addons.