I cannot correct an energy graph bump on a specific time

On august 15, between 6 and 7 am my energy meter went crazy with a sudden 10000 kwh consumption. When I go to the menu to adjust sum, I don’t see any spike value. However, when I go to the history graph I can see I had no data for a while and suddenly the system started recording with a value of 10000 kWh. I have no data or graph on the production side of the sensor.

I just want a nice graph, and understand:)

Screenshot 2023-08-26 085101

Have you searched for the spike to happen earlier/later than the given window? I found energy usage chart to a bit misleading in time domain… Also seems you have strange resolution of possiible corrections. In my case it is with 5 min granurality, not 1 hour…

Another point, did you moved focus/cursor between selectors? Seems like you have selected 6:20 AM, but possible options start at 7:00 AM, so looks like the selectionwas not applied…

Actually there is no data before 7am. It stopped recording (I was not home for a month). As for the frequency of the data, it depends how is set the data reporting of the device.

I suspect this is related to the revival of the data, as these sensor has counter not starting at zero.