I cannot find the answer anywhere: 'No such image: ghcr.io/hassio-addons/'

Hi all,

I hope someone can give some hints.
I searched for: Search results for 'No such image: ghcr.io/hassio-addons/' - Home Assistant Community
But no solution anywhere. DNS or full disk should be the issue. But it is not the case as far as I know.

While my current setup had these issues with installing some addons, I created a fresh VirtualBox VM on linux Debian 11, downloaded the VM image @ https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/releases/download/9.4/haos_ova-9.4.vdi.zip and after I created my account,
I logged in and tried to install Grafana Add-On. I got this error,
which seems to be a common error which says: “YUP we don’t have a clue as well”

The same error happens while trying to install StudioCodeServer, Node-Red
Some addons do instal fine (File Editor, Terminal & SSH, Samba Share)

DNS seems OK, or does this ping returns wrong IP’s?
Screenshot from 2022-12-18 03-49-43

Storage, from HA interface:
Screenshot from 2022-12-18 04-16-21

Storage, on linux host system: 32GB free

GitHub issues are also a common cause, so have patience. Lots of patience.
It can take many hours at times and sometimes even a few days.

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Thanks Wally
I just tried to install some ‘official’ add-ons first, it worked. Then I could install Studio Code Server and Node-red like nothing happened. Grafana still does not install…
Anyways, installing some official add-ons first is probably not of any influence :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have just come across this. I cant install any official add ons, but I can installed repository added ones??

I have tried SSH, visual, samba and not are installing, i get this error

Can't install homeassistant/amd64-addon-samba:10.0.0: 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/homeassistant/amd64-addon-samba:10.0.0/json: Not Found ("no such image: homeassistant/amd64-addon-samba:10.0.0: No such image: homeassistant/amd64-addon-samba:10.0.0")

Yeah, today I wanted to re- install Mosquitto broker, but no, same story. HA also restarts often when trying to install.
After 100s of tries, it finally installed…

Grafana still does not want to install, with similar error msgs.
Trying it every day for 1 or more times…

It’s very odd, I don’t read very much about this issue. The problem should be Github?

All HACS installs works fine though :thinking:

The Grafana issue I reported got swiped off the table (not our problem):

all really… raise it for HA, ill do that same

FYI Somehow, after (almost) daily installing Grafana, it is suddenly installed for real. So it can take up to 40 days :thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: