Hello, I configured DuckDNS and everything works. Now, I decided to use my own domain. I added CNAME record for my own domain and pointed it to my DuckDNS fqdn. When I try to add it as an alias to my Duck-DNS add-on, I receive an error message and it would not save it. Can someone help me with this?
Failed to save add-on configuration, Invalid list for option 'aliases' in Duck DNS (core_duckdns). Got {'domains': ['myduckdns.duckdns.org'], 'token': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'aliases': 'my.domain.com', 'lets_encrypt': {'accept_terms': True, 'algo': 'secp384r1', 'certfile': 'fullchain.pem', 'keyfile': 'privkey.pem'}, 'seconds': 300}
I also just tried to set this up for the first time and goy basically the same issue
I found the problem and I was able to set it up. I had to switch to YAML mode and add it there using steps that are specified in documentation.
The problem that I have not is that when I use an alias, I receive a certificate error. Web and mobile clients.
Did u ever find out how?
And what documentation did u referr to to set up the aliases?
I cant get it to work at all…
Thx in advance