I Can't add Google Assistant to my HA

Hi everyone.

I’m trying hard to add Google Assistant to my HA, with no results.

I’m following this: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/google_assistant , but i’m stuck here "3. Select the Develop tab at the top of the page, then in the upper right hand corner select the Test button to generate the draft version Test App. ".

The Google Action’s console/interface seems to be changed and can’t find “how to” the 3 instruction.
“Test” page don’t show any function to generate a draft version.
If i try to “publish” my project, google ask a lot of company informations.

Youtube videos and tuto’s on net are 8month to 2 years old, so the interface isn’t the same.

Sorry for my bad english, it’s not my natal language.

Can someone help me, or redirect me ?

This is just a text field where the instructions mean enter ANYTHING as its unimportant or applicable, yet can’t be blank.
I literally just did this the other day and had some issues didnt seem to work quite right away. Mostly the docs are good, i used the one you linked as well as this one
I never got the test w/ the emulator on google working if i recall correctly?

Thanks for you answer. I’m sorry i made a mystake.
My problem is not the “9.” but the “3.”

Just edit my 1st post.

Hope it can help. Thanks

Nobody can help me ? (Or just the way to take)

Dont get caught up on the TEST like I did. It’s not suppose to pass or do anything like that (at least I dont think so). I believe the ultimate goal is to get the google app to see your home assistant configuration from your google home account.

HI. I dont know how, but i did it !
You were right, don’t focus on the “test”, the most important is to create the project, and add it to the config. yaml of HA.
Just tried a vocal command with my smartphone, and works fine !

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