I can't configure fstab mount (hassio directory not found)

Hello people,

Well i don’t know if i can ask it in here.

The problem is this, I checked out a tutorial from frigate, there is a way to change the video directory.

I did setup my fstab, but /usr/share/hassio folder does not exist on my system.

When i go to cd /usr/share there is no folder called hassio?
I’m using last HA OS Virtualbox 7.5

How can i do it ?

When i go to cd /etc and then nano fstab
I can add the // usr/share/hassio/media cifs username=XXX,password=XXX,iocharset=utf8 0 0

But doesnt mount when run mount -a folder not found.


You are posting in the haos section, but pointng to instructions for a supervised install.

Network folder? Maybe networking not ready when mount attempted

@malosaa Did you ever find out a solution for this?

yes on my other system i got it working like this :slight_smile:

add this in configuration.yaml

    mount_domotic_media_folder:  mkdir -p /config/www/media/domotic;mount -t cifs -o username=********,password=********** // /config/www/media/domotic

Than make an automation that start when HASS starts and when its executed you can go to MEDIA and then LOCAL MEDIA and there it is your folder.


Thank you! I will check this out.

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