I am a beginner in HA system,
My house network consisting of three routers connected to a main switch that connected with internet.
I insralled HASSOS on VM, host PC connected to router 1, the issue is that HA can’t find devices that connected to routers 2 & 3, exept devices that work through hacs cloude such as LG integration, I know it’s a network thing but if there is any idea it would be so helpful.
How many DHCP servers do you have ?
Three routers, does it means three sub nets with different IP range ?
Do you use VLAN ?
Can you ping the devices on routers 2 and 3 from node on router 1 ?
Need more information before anyone could help.
How do you connect your routers together? I guess one of those is a main router?
Which router goes out to the WAN? Which router does DHCP?
Can you tell us IP of each router, IP of HAOS, IP of those other devices that are connected to router 2&3…?
Or better, maybe start with putting together a map showing how your LAN network(s) look like, with all the information you can share in the same map.
The three routers WLan connected to switch and switch connected to internet, router1 ip:
router2 ip:
router3 ip:
All of theme dhcp enable
If not already, could you provide answers to these? For those “other devices”, a couple of examples would be good enough.
Now, subsequent questions:
What is the make and model of these 3 routers? I see you said you have ~60 wifi smart devices so this becomes a relevant question.
How do these 3 routers get IP from? An upper level DHCP? The cable modem? The switch?
Does the switch has an IP? If so which one? Is it under 10.6.0.xxx
Which of your various networking devices gets a WAN IP?
In any case, you either would want all your smart devices under one subnet, or you need some special network rules / routing configuration so that these devices are reachable from HAOS.
I concur with francisp’s suggestion. Skip the 3 networks, and change 2 routers into access-points.
Using 3 times double NAT is asking for difficulties, and troubleshooting is going to be a nightmare.
It will also slow down your network, as it added a couple of extra hops…
Just use one DHCP server and one gateway.
60 devices ‘only’ ?? Is this a serious question?
I use 192.168.10/22, giving me 768 addresses to use for my home network (i don’t use them all yet, but it is way more then 60)
As mentioned before, your current setup is slowing things down, and still all those 60 devices are finally going through the WAN routter (they just need some translation now)
This makes no sense whatsoever. Why do you need three separate networks?
My last IP scan showed 93 devices, well under the 255 IP limit of a standard IPV4 DHCP server.
So you mean to skip the switch that locate in the basement and make netgear router as a main router instead of the switch with dchp enable, and the other two or three low end routers as an access point with dchp disable, right?