Are you editing this on your phone or computer? I have had similar issues on both but it sometimes resolves on the computer after restarting HA, but not on my phone app
Same, but just with counters
We’ve never used YAML to create them, always created in the GUI helper section.
I thought it might be a legacy issue with old ones upgrading through versions of HA, so created a test one and it’s the same. And now I can’t delete it
Thought it may be due to omitting it from recorder, but tested with it enabled again and no change
All other helpers seem to be ok. It’s just the counters
I’m just mentioning that I’m having this problem also. I’m not using any themes. Any time I need to change a helper, I have to go open a new tab and navigate to the https://[url]/config/helpers for some reason for the helper’s options page to appear properly. I use traefik as a proxy, but it’s not because of that, because it also does this if I hit it from it’s IP address directly.
I’m wondering if it’s “Header Authentication” off HACS, if anyone else is still having this problem, do you have this installed?
i just bumped into this (only have HA for a week) - raspi5/8gb/Argon Neo 5M.2NVME core 2024.4.3 , using firefox at the moment , what you suggest fixes it, but apparently just pressing F5 (or “refresh”) fixes it too if you come in via settings … no idea where the beetle hides but it feels like a browser thing . I noticed firefox ESR closing windows a lot before i can click save too but thats offtopic here