I can't enter the web interface

Hopefully everyone figured out their issues by now, it would be great is people would post their resolution steps as some of us are finding this post trying to determine our current issue.

Also, if you’re installing on a virtual machine, or any system really, you should be above to see if :8123 is listening by using netstat. Here is my go to command:

netstat -nlp | grep LISTEN | grep -v STREAM

Of course with docker, there are several containers used to distribute some of the functionality so be sure you know where to run the command.

Hi I’ve been having a similar problem now. I have HassOS installed on my RPi 4 B. My version of the OS is 11.1, and the version of my Home Assistant Core is 2023.11.3
and I’m not entirely sure but i think the problem might be caused by having the dated versions of the system, because i can access the login page for 20 ish seconds enter my username and password, but then it won’t go forward to the web UI and tells me that something went wrong when i try to refresh the page the login window won’t load again and i get either DNS non existent error or connection timed out. I’m not 100% sure of this so I wanted to ask if the producers of HA prevent access to outdated versions of their software. Another thing is I know i could probably just copy my automations and frigate scripts but i really don’t want to start from scratch again. Is there an easy way to update HomeAssistant through the terminal with a separate monitor mouse and a keybord. Any advice will be apprecieated thank you!