I can't integrate the Profi Cook PC-WKS 1167 G kettle with tasmota

I can’t integrate the Profi Cook PC-WKS 1167 G kettle with tasmota. MAC address 1c:90:ff:03:f6:81 Main module v2.6.3 I see that this product has a tasmota and esphome documentation page

The kettle works in the Tyua app. I want to flash this kettle with Tasmota or ESPHome to connect directly to Home Assistant (not through the Tyua cloud)

When I run the tyua cloud converter script I get this

I managed to integrate the Profi Cook PC-WKS 1167 G kettle with the Tuya WBR3 chip using ESPHome: Інтегруємо чайник в Home Assitstant | DOU. Here’s my post about it in Ukrainian (use a translator).