Hello All,
Hope I’m writing in the right category.
I’m having some issue on my HA running on a rpi 4.
Specifically, I can’t access my HA by remote using cloudflares as I used to do for two years.
It’s strange but since yesterday I’ve never had issue connecting HA by remote, but for some reason now I can no longer connect it through Cloudflare.
In the follow I’m attaching the log that I recive from the Cloudflare Add-ON:
Add-on: Cloudflared
Use a Cloudflare Tunnel to remotely connect to Home Assistant without opening any ports
Add-on version: 4.2.11
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: Home Assistant OS 11.2 (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64)
Home Assistant Core: 2023.9.2
Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.11.6
Please, share the above information when looking for help
or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
[00:19:57] INFO: Checking add-on config...
[00:19:58] INFO: Checking for existing certificate...
[00:19:58] INFO: Existing certificate found
[00:19:58] INFO: Checking for existing tunnel...
[00:19:58] NOTICE: No tunnel file found
[00:19:58] INFO: Creating new tunnel...
Tunnel credentials written to /data/tunnel.json. Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.
Created tunnel hassistant with id bfc01975-5acd-4156-82ac-adc266d175af
[00:19:59] INFO: Checking for existing tunnel...
[00:20:00] INFO: Existing tunnel with ID bfc01975-5acd-4156-82ac-adc266d175af found
[00:20:00] INFO: Checking if existing tunnel matches name given in config
[00:20:01] INFO: Existing Cloudflare Tunnel name matches config, proceeding with existing tunnel file
[00:20:01] INFO: Creating config file...
[00:20:03] INFO: Validating config file...
Validating rules from /tmp/config.json
[00:20:04] INFO: Creating DNS entry hassistant.me...
2023-12-05T23:20:07Z INF Added CNAME hassistant.me which will route to this tunnel tunnelID=bfc01975-5acd-4156-82ac-adc266d175af
[00:20:07] INFO: Finished setting up the Cloudflare Tunnel
[00:20:07] INFO: Connecting Cloudflare Tunnel...
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Starting tunnel tunnelID=bfc01975-5acd-4156-82ac-adc266d175af
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Version 2023.10.0
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF GOOS: linux, GOVersion: go1.20.6, GoArch: arm64
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Settings: map[config:/tmp/config.json cred-file:/data/tunnel.json credentials-file:/data/tunnel.json loglevel:info metrics: no-autoupdate:true origincert:/data/cert.pem]
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Generated Connector ID: a5dbc372-739e-40c1-b1b9-9b67becf00b9
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Initial protocol quic
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF ICMP proxy will use as source for IPv4
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF ICMP proxy will use :: as source for IPv6
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Starting metrics server on [::]:36500/metrics
2023-12-05T23:20:08Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=0 connection=90d15413-cf7e-4e35-9ed9-1684a13d4576 event=0 ip= location=mxp01 protocol=quic
2023-12-05T23:20:09Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=1 connection=9d6b5d9c-b825-4dcd-b615-f123920dcb5a event=0 ip= location=fco01 protocol=quic
2023-12-05T23:20:10Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=2 connection=b4e028dc-f052-4bb9-8117-33f98e329f39 event=0 ip= location=fco01 protocol=quic
2023-12-05T23:20:11Z INF Registered tunnel connection connIndex=3 connection=a9559d80-f5d5-4d74-9233-34fd67f60d42 event=0 ip= location=mxp03 protocol=quic
It’s seems like the rpi can’t reach the tunnel. Have someone experienced this before? How can I solve?
Thanks you in advance