I can't seem to restore from backup?

Can’t see backup?

I am trying to move my Home Assistant installation from a failing VMware ESXi (6.7) enviironment to a new Proxmox host. My current Home Assistant install is about 86gb (not even sure what is taking up all that space!). My backup comes out to about 2.15GB.

I created a new VM and installed Home Assistant as expected and got to the login / onboarding page to start a new instance. When I try to upload a backup to restore to, it fails with error 400 – kinda expected, the filesize is 2.15GB!

So I created a dummy account, installed the SMB add-on - moved the .tar backup to the /backup folder. When I go into Home Assistant > System > Backups, I do not see any .tar files to restore to.

Any ideas?

There’s a reload option in the overflow menu (three dots icon) top right on the backup page. You need to press that after uploading.