I have created a custom integration for the Elecrow Growcube, based off my growcube-client Python library.
You can install the integration using HACS, see instruction on the Github page.
The integration adds sensors for temperature, humidity and four sensors for moisture. It adds four controls for watering, this activates the pump for 5 seconds for the given channel.
It also adds all diagnostics sensors such as device lock, sensor disconnect warnings and pump blocked warnings.
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The Github page for the Python library contains a Python script that you can use to scan your local network for Growcube devices.
Just note that the Growcube can only be connected to one client at a time, so please close the phone app before scanning. Also note that the phone app will not be able to connect while Home Assistant is connected to the Growcube.
Hi @jonnybergdahl. I’m not able to connect at the moment. Any suggestions? In case it matters, my Home Assistant and GrowCube are on different VLANs and SSIDs but I have punched holes through the FW for HA to talk to the IOT network fine and have not had any issues there. I’m also able to connect to the GrowCube using @robotedward 's integration (although that one times out quickly)
A second reboot fixed it. All good now. I can confirm all sensors are available and the pumps trigger fine
Something interesting is happening for me. Looks like the A and B measurements are getting mixed up and they go unavailable after about a day until I remove and re-add the integration. In the screenshot you can see when the A moisture reading stops, the readings are reported under the B sensor. You can see the B sensor jumping between ~60% and 30%. The 30% readings are from A but they are showing up under B.
Should I report this as a bug in GitHub?
Sorry for late answer. Yes, report it on Github, I am currently rewriting parts of the integration.
You can also find me on my own Discord channel on Brian Logh’s Discord - BLough
I do run all my testing on my main machine which is on another VLAN, so that is no issue.
The long awaited version 1.0 is now available!
I fixed a couple of misunderstandings of the underlying protocol, which adds a few new diagnostics sensors. I have also added services to setup smart and scheduled watering so you don’t need to use the app for that. And I have added “my” buttons for adding the repo to HACS, and to add a device inside of Home Assistant, so you can get your Growcube devices up an running faster.
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