I don't like the new climate entity, any way to go back?


I recently upgraded HA and now I have the new climate entity in the Lovelace dashboard.

Previously it looked like this:

where it was possible to turn on heat (or cool) with a single press. (heat highlighted)

Now, with the new entity, to turn on the A/C in whatever mode, requires 3 presses. The three dots at the top right, then mode, then select the required mode:

To me this is a retrograde step. How can I go back to the old style entity? Short of going back to a backup and never upgrading, which does not really sound like a viable option.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Only one press if you configure the card to display modes.

The following screenshot is from the Release Notes.

Simply modify the card’s Features to include the additional functionality you require.


Knew it would be easy.

Many thanks!

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