I don't understand device tracking anymore

Known_devices.yaml is gone? or not fully gone?

I am using https://github.com/mueslo/openwrt_hass_devicetracker + NMAP + Ping.
What do I need to change now?

This has to be the worst change in HA. I don’t want to have auto discovery stuff. Manually.

Trust me auto discovery works much better in almost every case.

What do you mean?

Okay could be true for network devices offering services. What about just computers and phones?
I see nothing here https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/discovery/
here https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ssdp/
and here https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zeroconf/
that would make sense to use for finding regular computers and phones.

A new phone was added to the network. Normally, I would make an entry in known_devices.yaml and then https://github.com/mueslo/openwrt_hass_devicetracker would report the state of it. Now, it seems like the state of the new device is not getting trough or so. It also stays as a MAC address in the logbook.

So ask your custom component dev to update their stuff for the changes in home assistant??

In its logs I see it is reporting well. It even finds the name given in known_devices.yaml. But the device is not markedwhen being so. For the old devices this still works. So it is like some link is not being setup anymore.

What device do you use? Iphones can use HA app trackers, or maybe life360 or owntracks? They all have a different set of settings. Some trackers still use legacy config (known_devices.yaml) but most newer ones shouldn’t.

iPhone for people living in the house, which do have the app. People visiting should be detected too, they only have an IP assigned, no apps.

Hm you could use a upnp sensor (if your router is supported) or a specific router sensor (if there is one for your router). May I ask what the goal of tracking guests is?

OpenWRT router. There should be another component for that but the description said it is not very good. That component https://github.com/mueslo/openwrt_hass_devicetracker does it pretty well. Tracking guests to know who is in the house. Maybe provide services later on.

It was my mistake still. :man_facepalming:
The device was automatically added to kd as MAC address. So when I added it manually it was duplicated.