If I need to get up in the middle of the night I can’t see, so I’ve been using a motion controlled nightlight that plugs into the wall. The problem is that the PIR is too sensitive, meaning it would light up if I rolled over, plus the light was too bright. My solution was to use tape to cover it, but it looked messy.
Digging around on AliExpress I found a Tuya PIR nightlight for about £15 that was fully adjustable via an app and seems to work well with Home Assistant. I’ve since found it on Amazon UK.
It has some features that I find useful:
- adjust PIR sensitivity
- adjust brightness
- adjust colour
- adjust on time
- dawn/dusk mode
- notify by sms
Some of that is exposed in Home Assistant. Probably enough to start creating automations.
I’d been looking for something like this for some time so figured I’d share a win.