I found some extra RF codes for my Harbor Breeze Saratoga Ceiling Fan

I recently got a Bond Bridge to control my L1902 Harbor Breeze Saratoga Ceiling Fan. Remote has FCC ID A25-Tx007R1.

After Bond learned one button from the remote, it offered me some choices. It was template L2 that worked for me, its buttons exactly matched my remote, 3 speeds, off, toggle, and a button to cycle the dimmer.

Unfortunately, I had in my head that I would be able to control the dimmer up and down, and had already bought some Zen32 scene controllers with that in mind. (I want to use buttons 1-3 as brightness up and down, and 2-4 as speed up and down.) “Toggle” instead of “On” and “Off” isn’t always ideal either for automations, although that does make sense for the big button on the Zen32.

I used the Bond local REST API to download the codes for the 6 buttons. And I used the Bond cli to send signals to test with.

Looking through the signals, I noticed that only 4 bits were changing. They were each separated by “10”, so “x10x10x10x10”.

So I threw together a shell script to let me test different bits.

bond signal --freq 314994 --bps 2250 --reps 10 --modulation OOK --encoding cq --data "$data"

As I was hoped, I actually found some extra commands!

  • 0000: Light off
  • 0100: Dimmer brightness decrease
  • 1000: Dimmer brightness cycle
  • 1100: Dimmer brightness increase

(For some reason in my notes, I had that 1100 came from Bond as the brightness cycle, but when I tested it was only increase and 1000 is cycle. Either way, I found what I was looking for.)

One thing I was still missing is “light on”. (As opposed to light toggle.)
I never found a command that just did that, but I realized that the dimmer commands also function as “light on”. So I effectively have that now too!

I still need to figure out how to load these new commands into Bond. Since it’s using a template, the app only lets me hide buttons, not add new ones. But I think I should be able to add them from the REST API. I will try that soon.

Hopefully this helps someone else. I would guess that many devices have a few extra codes beyond what the remote has, but I don’t know how common it is. Doesn’t hurt to poke around and try!

One other thing: when I was playing around with the other template for similar fan models, I believe I found some buttons to jump the brightness up or down. I still need to go back and get those codes out of Bond and see what they were. Perhaps there’s more bits that can be changed.

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