I have 2 HA instances running?

I have a raspberry with Raspbian installed.
I think I have done something wrong in my setup. I think I somehow have 2 instances of HA running.
My primary setup is HA running in a virtual environment.
I have it autostart using init.d (because I found it easier to setup).

I am seeing double triggers in all my automations, even new ones (just in case you thought I have them double copied).

And now I am setting up telegram and when I am trying to retrieve my chat_id, it shows this:

{“ok”:false,“error_code”:409,“description”:“Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running”}

Is there a way to find out if I have done such a dumb move? I dont know where to start.

running service --status-all seems to be fine… I guess

pi@F:~ $ service --status-all
[ + ] alsa-utils
[ + ] avahi-daemon
[ + ] bluetooth
[ - ] console-setup.sh
[ + ] cron
[ + ] dbus
[ + ] dhcpcd
[ + ] dphys-swapfile
[ + ] exim4
[ + ] fake-hwclock
[ ? ] hass-daemon
[ - ] hwclock.sh
[ - ] keyboard-setup.sh
[ + ] kmod
[ + ] lighttpd
[ + ] networking
[ - ] nfs-common
[ + ] nmbd
[ - ] paxctld
[ + ] pihole-FTL
[ - ] plymouth
[ - ] plymouth-log
[ + ] procps
[ + ] raspi-config
[ + ] resolvconf
[ - ] rpcbind
[ - ] rsync
[ + ] rsyslog
[ + ] samba
[ - ] samba-ad-dc
[ + ] smbd
[ + ] ssh
[ - ] sudo
[ + ] triggerhappy
[ + ] udev

pi@F:~ $ service hass-daemon status
● hass-daemon.service - LSB: Home\ Assistant
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/hass-daemon; generated; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Thu 2019-01-31 09:19:15 EET; 5h 25min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 642 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/hass-daemon start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /system.slice/hass-daemon.service
Jan 31 09:18:53 F.R.I.D.A.Y systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Home\ Assistant…
Jan 31 09:18:53 F.R.I.D.A.Y su[648]: Successful su for homeassistant by root
Jan 31 09:18:53 F.R.I.D.A.Y su[648]: + ??? root:homeassistant
Jan 31 09:18:53 F.R.I.D.A.Y su[648]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user homeassistant by (uid=0)
Jan 31 09:19:15 F.R.I.D.A.Y hass-daemon[642]: Starting service… Done
Jan 31 09:19:15 F.R.I.D.A.Y systemd[1]: Started LSB: Home\ Assistant.

Unless you specified one instance to use a different port, they couldn’t both be running at the same time on the same machine.

No, I havent done such thing. I am pretty sure about that.
So, if I dont have 2 instances, then what do you think my problem is according to the above?

check your virtual environment. reboot. look to see if it’s running processes from different environments…

OK, it looks like there is a bug on 0.85.1 with double logging automations and I havent updated yet.

As for my telegram problem, When I shutdown HA, I could retrieve the id successfully. Only thing I can think of is the double instance mentioned by the error, could be HA and my PC browser trying to get the updates at the same time.
I am marking this as resolved, unless I get the same errors after I update to the latest version.
Thank you for your help!

Your bot cannot be used in more than one chat, or connected via more than one connection. Getting updates from the API does not count as a connection. Do you have the Telegram bot configured ANYWHERE else?

No, I dont. I only created a new account for me just yesterday and then created the bot… I even requested a new token because of that.
So… What could be?

Did you ever find a solution for the 409 error? I read someone suggested it could be occurring if you’re using node-red also. I’m looking for a workaround.

No, I havent. Sorry. It is working for me fine from the day I marked it as solved.